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Societys Changes Reflected in Theatre

By:   •  Essay  •  277 Words  •  April 25, 2010  •  930 Views

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Societys Changes Reflected in Theatre

Productions reflect changes in society. In the modern time period, productions have been written due to occurrences or in retaliation to society. For example the acceptance of homosexuality, interracial relationships, religious icons, the role of the government, the use of drugs and alcohol and social morays eg divorce.

Before the 1920s plays tended to avoid social issues. But more plays came out that challenged society, especially between the 1960s and 1990s. Homosexuality is once socially unacceptable and thought of as both a mental illness and a crime. However after the Stonewall riots in June 1969, homosexuality became more acceptable and began appearing in many plays including “Boys in the band”. It was the first play to portray gay men and deal realistically with homosexuality before a mainstream audience. Interracial relationships were also something that was regarded as not acceptable by society. Guess Who's Coming to Dinner was a 1967 groundbreaking play dealt with the then-controversial subject of inter-racial marriage which

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