Socio-Economic Development and Health
By: David • Essay • 926 Words • May 25, 2010 • 1,350 Views
Socio-Economic Development and Health
Question One
There are a number of ways in which the increasing socio-economic development of a nation can help improve the health of the population.
1. There is a correlation between mortality rates in the developing countries, especially amongst children, and the level of education of the parents of the children. For example, in Morocco, a mother who has completed 4-6 years of schooling, their child is 45% less likely to have died by the age of 2, compared with child's mother who has had no school (Book 3, Page 54). Education improves the overall knowledge of looking after oneself and others, but also enables people to gain higher income levels, and thus, acquire purchasing power to buy the goods (if available), which will help them improve their quality of life.
2. Food provisions are a necessity to maintaining a healthy population. There are many facets to food, mainly the distribution and supply of food, and the quality and nutritional ingredients of food. Food needs to be of good, sustainable quality so that it provides people with the basic supply of vitamins and minerals to live, and has to be easily accessible so that everyone in the nation can benefit. Developed countries have pioneered the way of preserving food for longer (i.e. use of plastics), and developing countries have benefited from this, but the developed world has also introduced new fear factors regarding food such as contamination (BSE, Salmonella etc) and additives, and, the long term effects of such advancements is beginning to materialise (Book 3, Page 306-307). Developing nations need to maintain a balance of growth, by producing enough food for the nations own consumption, but also growing food for exportation, which will improve their GNP and their overall growth as a nation.
3. Reducing the gap between the social classes will provide a better overall health and wealth of a nation. Those living in the lower social classes have a lower life expectancy than those in higher social classes (Book 3, Page 216). There are many tools and precautions that may be used to bridge the gap. Occupations within the social classes tend to be more manual and risk-based occupations such as mining or engineering. In recent times, Acts of Law have been passed by Governments to protect employees, and as such limit the risk involved in the work practices. By reducing the risk, the Government can enable the employees to work in a safe environment thus providing a longer and healthier work and social life.
Question 2
Communicable diseases are infectious and parasitic diseases that can be spread by air, food, and water or by insects. Diseases such as Tuberculosis (Tb), malaria, diarrhoeal diseases and AIDs. The current crisis concerning communicable diseases has a massive impact on a countries economy, health and life expectancy of its population. This can be clearly seen when comparing the differences between developed countries and developing countries.
In the developing world, communicable disease accounts for half of the top twelve causes of death, yet in the developed world they are all but eradicated. Almost 26% of the top twelve causes of deaths (Book 3, Page 37, Table 3.1) in