Song Review
By: Fatih • Essay • 1,010 Words • April 21, 2010 • 1,503 Views
Song Review
The song is “Cold” by Crossfade. They are a very well known band and this song is very popular among teenagers. This song reminds people not to shut out someone that could be of help in your life and it also helps people to remember to keep their head on straight and not to get in situations that are over their head. The lyrics are a big help in explaining the outcome that could happen if someone does end up making these mistakes in his or her life.
In verse one, the man in the song always thinks about himself and he never pays attention to the person that was trying to help him. He would always be getting himself into trouble and he had no way of getting out of it because he would not listen. He would go to the his counterpart for advice and he would have them give him advice and have them help him through his problems.
In verse two, he apologizes for all of the wrong he did to the person in the first verse. He feels horrible for hurting them and he tries to make it right. He realizes that all the other person wanted to do was help and he realizes that him pushing them away was no way to go about it. He knows that he should have let them help and maybe it would have made things easier on both of them. He tries to thank and apologize to the person for all of the help they gave him but maybe it is too late to do that.
In verse three, he never had intention of the other person seeing the problems that he kept so close to him. He realizes that is the reason that he never let the other person in, but at the same time he knew that was the wrong way to go about it. He had a lot of information he still wanted to get out but he just did not know how to get it out and by the time he figured out a way it was too late and they were gone. Now he feels that there is no hope for him because the other person left his side and once again he apologizes for the man that he once use to be and wishes that he could go back and change it all and do it all over.
This song could have many meanings. When I read the song it means a lot of things. For starters, it could mean how a man does not need anyone in his life to help him. How he now admits that he is a stronger person by himself and that he has to go through life by himself so that it makes him stronger. The song could mean that at one point in someone's life they thought they needed help from an outside source but after a while they thought they did not. Well, as time went on he realized that he really did need that person and he felt bad for shutting that person out of his life and he tried to apologize for it.
To an outside person reading the lyrics or listening to the song, it could also mean many things. For instance someone could interpret that the person in the song is in a situation that is way over his head. While this was going on there could have been someone in his life and he had to lie to that person so that way he would not lose that person. Another theory someone could have is that the person in the song was very selfish and only thought about himself. He realizes that is all he did in the past and he realizes all the wrong he did in the past and he is now trying to apologize for it because he knows he was wrong and he wants that person to come back in his life. After all this has happened, he realizes that there is no hope for him and there is no chance in getting that special someone back and he knows now that all he can do is say sorry and hope for the best.
The song should let the reader know that someone can never be too big to let someone else in their life and help them. As much as people think they are better off on their own it is not