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Sparta & Athens

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Sparta & Athens

Sparta & Athens

Sparta and Athens so close yet so different. Since the beging of these two great city~states everyone has been fascinated by the similarities, but more by the differences. This essay will tell more about the differences than the similarities. I'll start with the similarities.

Sparta and Athens are alike in few ways one was is in there class of social groups. Sparta has citizens first, then neighbors second, and helots at the bottom. As Athens also starts with citizens first, then metics second, and slaves last. Although they differ in the jobs are pretty much the same. They also had overseers/rulers who surved one year terms. Spartas name for them was ephors and Athens name for them was archons. Another thing that they had incommon was the early government

of Athens which was the "Age of Kings" and the government of Sparta which also had kings.

The more topic with more to talk about would be the differences. The greatest differences would be in government

and way of life. The way of life in Sparta was very much for military where all men in citizen class were to be taken at the age of seven and start training in the military whereas the Athenians were more for education and a healthy


The governments

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