Sport Psycology
By: Ramon Duran Perez • Essay • 711 Words • April 7, 2015 • 838 Views
Sport Psycology
Ramon A. Duran
Motivation Improvement
Everyone understands and knows that everything produces a reason why we do things that motivate us to feel affection for something, be it sport, art, music, and more. The motivations to live and overcome are many but the main one is more money. Money motivates most people to work to have major economic stability. 90% of the activities performed in daily life are employed by the same engine "money." In my case, my motivation to study and are better than many. One of them is my mother, she pay me private school with much effort being made to you had a productive education, and not be a slave to housework. To make my mother proud of me my first goal is to acquire the necessary knowledge.
Another one of my motivations is that in my family on my father neither finished high school that is a goal of exceeding. But from my mother but neither man all start ending that is one of the planned goals for the future, though the month is costing a lot of work because I have no support from anyone and I'm alone in this country fighting for my dream. And everyone says its hard combater a new language, but just what goes through this situation know how hard it is.
One of my biggest motivation and I grew to love is baseball. Like all Dominican's passion for baseball is going to another level with the Dominican because it is the sport in which more highlights the Dominican. Baseball is my passion and my motivation for everything. When I'm on the baseball field I feel in a way that does not know how to explain. When I'm on the field I forget personal problems, lessons, spells. I forget everything and effort being made to give 110% at all when talking about baseball. Baseball is life for me.
To keep my motivation for what I do, or to pass on to the goal of the technique is to have the ability to be able to imagine to see your dreams and hold the same expectation of seeing your accomplishments and reminding you daily the reasons which what you want to do. in my case I have a motivation to get my diploma and big which is reminding me daily because of resources necessary motivation to graduate college is my mother who is the engine that keeps me standing with my goal.
Personally I believe in the training of trainers and no doubt you also considered as one of the determinants for successful intervention in training and especially in the training of youth activities.
In most cases the training of young people is relegated to volunteers who for various reasons do not remain long in this activity, which leads to a discontinuity in the training of athletes.