Statistics, Probability of Satisfaction
By: Fatih • Research Paper • 1,394 Words • April 3, 2010 • 1,225 Views
Statistics, Probability of Satisfaction
To Mr. Smith, President
I write to you with the findings of my research, I conducted the following study between men and women working together and the probability of their job satisfaction during the week of November 26, 2005. The case studied was that of employees of Texas Instruments. The term probability is a measure of the likelihood of a random phenomenon or chance behavior. Probability describes the long term proportion with which a certain outcome will occur in situations with short term uncertainty. Probability deals with experiments that yield random short term results or outcomes yet reveal long term predictability states Michael Sullivan.
The study of probability was conducted in the Dallas area, which has a population of over 2 million people. Texas Instruments is a highly competitive career path and is a very stringent place to maintain employment. A simple random survey was performed on 288 individuals, which will benefit AIU’s database information. With the gender distribution of males at 42% of 288, the 168 females surveyed consisted of the higher number compared to 120 males. From the information discovered, many people had a long history with Texas Instruments; tenure was tallied with 1 for those with fewer than 2 years experience, 2 for those with more than 2 but less then 5 years experience or 3 marked as over 5 years with Texas Instruments. In the data found, 79 males or 27% of 288 people surveyed had a tally of 1, 26 males or 9% had a tenure of 2 and 15 males or 5% of 288 had a classification of the number 3. Since a higher number of females were tested, we found 91 females or 32% had a tenure of 1 referring to having under 2 years experience, 42 females or 14% had a tenure response of 2 and 12% or 35 females fit the requirements of a tenure over 5 years experience marked 3. Tenure was a slim higher percentage for the females with 32% were under 2 years experience as opposed to men at 27% from 288 total surveyed. For those with tenure over 2 years/under 5 years, 26 were male and 42 were female. Females took a large number of tenure over 5 years with 12% from 288, where men only made up 5% of people surveyed. With a narrow department structure within each facility of Texas Instruments, it was a simple to survey individuals from each department, 61% or 176 tallied are from department 3 or the Administration department, 100 or 35% would be the IT department or department 2, 4% would be in 1 department classified as HR within Texas Instruments. Considering the lifespan of an employee at Texas Instruments, males had a higher overall satisfaction towards their employer as opposed to females. Males tended to be mostly satisfied at 4.6 median of the 120 males surveyed while the females consisted of a 4.2 median towards overall satisfaction from 168 females surveyed
From the information and the amount of women to men surveyed, there is a 58 percent chance that the person hired will be female. The age distribution would be for the code number 1 at 21 years old and under, 2 would be representing 22 to 49 years of age and 3 would show those who are 50 years old and older. It is a higher percentage of a person being between the ages of 22 and 49 due to the age of Texas Instruments, how many students are graduating in a technological field in the past 5 years compared to 15 to 20 years ago and the steady age of retirement for investors/employees of a company such as Texas Instruments who are over the age of 50 years old. The probability that the person would be between 22 and 49 years old would be 67% of the 288 people surveyed. The probability that the person hired would have an overall satisfaction lower then 4.7 would be 59%, representing 171 people out of 288.
It would be a 10% chance that a person that is chosen at random would be a male from the IT department. If males make up 26% of those surveyed from the technological department, then a probability of 10% would be males from IT making it accurate to the results. In regards to the probability of an employee with intrinsic job satisfaction over a scale 6 who has an hourly pay would be limited to 42 people. Of those surveyed that fit the required specifications from the individuals tested would produce 15% with an intrinsic satisfaction over 6 points of the 288 people surveyed.
At random, the probability of a person been selected with an “inexperienced” title would be 69%. It is not limited to age when discussing inexperienced, but 49 people surveyed were under the age of 22. An astonishing 121 people or 42% between the age of 22 and 49 years of age were working for Texas Instruments had less than 2 years experience while 29 people over 50 years old had tenure less then 2 years. There is a discrepancy between those over the age of 50 and more than 5 years