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By:   •  Essay  •  250 Words  •  May 3, 2011  •  1,046 Views


4.0 Stereotype

This is considered a fix impression someone has upon another or in this case where the two countries Netherlands and Japan are very much different in culture, religious background even greetings. The Japanese see the Dutch as very promiscuous people, they also consider them to be too aggressive and lazy, and where as the Dutch think the Japanese are very secretive and very cutthroat when it comes to doing business, by doing this both cultures are passing strong judgement and placing walls which will present then from doing business as well as meeting.

Both countries should examine the background of their intended business partner, doing such will make aware of the prejudgement each culture has placed upon each other. Japanese will realise The Netherlands are not aggressive it's their way they like to get straight to the point and are hard workers and as for their prostitution they have been legal