Student Survival Guide
By: Bred • Essay • 1,180 Words • April 15, 2010 • 1,078 Views
Student Survival Guide
Student Survival Guide
Using Axia’s Educational Resources: Center for Writing Excellence is a tool for figuring out if your work is written, formatted, and/or plagiarized. It helps give advice on writing skills, grammar, punctuation, and also things like not using contractions. It can be useful with papers I wish to submit, where I could have unknowingly copied someone’s work from memory or some other way.
Downloading files for use on your machine or portable device; I downloaded Microsoft office for a reasonable price for being a student. Also download the course calendars and put them on my bulletin board for a reminder of which days I have class and which days each particular class is in. Download the course appendixes for reference to know exactly what needs to be done on each particular day.
Navigating the University Library; is not all that hard, they have many resources such as a tutorial to show how to operate through the library. There are article databases to be able to search through, both specialized and major. There is also a link for thesis’, books, and dissertations. If I did not speak English as a first language I could look through databases in Spanish. I can look into Canadian indexes, Company directories and financials, Country profiles and economy, guides for taking tests and preparing for them, and many other links and search engines. I can request a specific document, and ask a librarian a question if I have trouble.
Upholding Academic Honesty: Axia’s Honesty Policy consists of a highly valued code. The same as in every University of Phoenix campus. It is a code for honesty and academic integrity. It means that any words or ideas posted in a class must be written in my own way, or to cite the source of the idea or quotation used (e.g. this information is from the Axia web site, in the help menu). The words and/or ideas that need to be cited are all copies and publications, as well as all academic communication, verbal, visual or any other way.
The consequences of plagiarism are as follows; shall be forwarded in writing to the campus director of academic affairs, campus director of operations, or there designee. It will also be forwarded in writing to the registrar. This violation of the schools honesty policy shall be subject for review by an impartial process. The violator will be notified in writing by letter. Then you have ten days to submit a written response to the designated university official. Failure to do this shall result in suspension. There can be appeals after the pending investigation. If the result is expulsion, than the appeal can only be submitted and reviewed by the Senior Management Review Committee.
Avoiding plagiarism; one way to get more information on avoiding plagiarism, locate examples, and find tutorials on avoiding plagiarism and dishonesty is by visiting This site has two ways to help you and your academic skills. It also let’s you practice and learn at your own pace, and on your own. It also has two different ways to conclude and document with out unintentionally plagiarizing source material. Another way to avoid plagiarism is by visiting The Center for Writing Excellence, where there is a plagiarism checker that does not take all that long to process your work. Yet, another way is to always cite your sources.
Setting and Achieving Goals: Identifying long and short term education and career goals; first, make a list of the goals in two lists, one long term, and one short term. Place the goals by importance and priority. Then evaluate what needs to be done to reach these goals, using a spread sheet can be useful.
How to reach goals despite obstacles; identify the obstacles, then problem solve the obstacles, and then list the ways to obliterate the obstacles. Treat the obstacles like short term goals.
How an Axia degree relates to goals; an Axia degree relates to the goals by helping accomplish them. Education is key in determining some long term career goals. Education is also one of the long term goals, so a diploma is key to accomplishing these goals. Every class passed is a short term goal accomplished.
Managing time Wisely: