Suitability of the Various Types of Motivation for Virtual Teams
By: hitenbhandari111 • Research Paper • 9,776 Words • April 30, 2011 • 1,840 Views
Suitability of the Various Types of Motivation for Virtual Teams
Major Research Project
Suitability of the various types of motivation for virtual teams
Submitted to:-
Prof. Sanjay Diddee
Project Guide
Assistant Professor
Submitted by:-
Vinod Kumar Jain
Roll No. 22
Aravali Institute of Management
Marwar Bhawan
Polo 2, Poata
The topic on which I have done research work under Major research project for the completion of second year of PGDM at Aravali Institute of Management, Jodhpur is "Suitability of the various types of motivation for virtual teams" so this research cover the most uncovered and neglected aspect of business that is motivation.
For the fulfilment and completion of the project work, I feel my sincere urge to recall and acknowledge with deep gratitude for the valuable guidance given to me by my project guide Prof. Sanjay Diddee throughout the program of this project. I am thankful to his constructive and out of box suggestion at various stages without which work would not have been possible.
I am also thankful to our Director Prof. Varun Arya for providing us an opportunity to perform the best of my capabilities and to apply my knowledge into this research project.
I would also like to give special thanks to Prof. R.K. Gupta who has given me a good guidance and direction for completion of the project
Last but not the least I would like to thanks to all my friends who have given me good suggestions on various time. At the end I thank everyone who has directly or indirectly associated in the completion of this project.
Vinod Kumar Jain
Table of Content
CHAPTER I – Introduction to Virtual teams and motivation
A. Introduction to following:-
a. Motivation
b. Team Motivation
c. Motivation specific concern with virtual teams
B. Statement of the problem
a. Purpose and Objectives
CHAPTER II – Background
A. Literature review
a. Importance of motivation in virtual teams
b. Successful motivation techniques for virtual teams
c. Team motivation theories
CHAPTER III – Methodology
A. Purpose and research questions
B. Research tools applied
C. Research methods used
D. Procedure and time frame
E. Analysis plan
F. Assumptions
G. Scope and limitations
CHAPTER IV – Results
A. Individual factors identified as a team motivator
B. Why workers don't show up for work?
C. Reward as a team motivator
D. Some other Ways to achieve virtual team motivation
E. Factors that influence team motivation
a. Individual factors
b. Team factors
c. General factors
F. Motivation methods for virtual teams and relation with various motivation theories
G. Suitably