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Supersize Ne

By:   •  Essay  •  472 Words  •  April 29, 2010  •  971 Views

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Supersize Ne

The paper im writeing is about how i took down what i ate,counting the calories and adding it all up. The outcome was quite suprising, i didn't

think i only ate

from two to three thousand a day, i thought i ate a lot

more. I really

dont eat as much as i did because im on a diet to try and loose weight. I think i have been doing

pretty well. Over the past few months i have lost over 35 pounds. I think that doing this is very mportant in peoples health. It makes peole relize how much they really

eat(if honest). We americans are obese according to some health poles across the nation. If i would of done this a couple of months ago when i wasn't on my diet i think my reaction would be jaw dropping, just because i know i use to eat a lot

more, an i mean a lot

. But i seem to relize that if you eat your regular portions with some deserts or your favorite foods eveery now and then you will be succefll in looseing weight, but of course you do need somewhat of excerise to mboost your metabolism.

I think this paper would be hard for people that are trying to loose weight and have never done it before. For example if they had to turn this into a nuetritonist i

dont think they would be truthfull. I remember

when i was a little kid i was in a weight loss program at childrens hospital and i had to

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