Supply Chain Management
By: Monika • Research Paper • 1,829 Words • May 28, 2010 • 1,465 Views
Supply Chain Management
Supply Chain Management
This paper identifies an existing supply chain management process within an organization. It describes the flow of materials to the organization, the organization’s function, and the customer base that organization serves. The supply chain practice will be compared with other supply chain process. An analysis will be provided based on research and cost-benefit and the recommended changes. The paper has taken a supply chain process exists in the Minneapolis based retail giant Target. Target has 1500 stores, 25 regional distribution centers and 3 import warehouses.
Supply Chain Process
The idea of supply chain is the application of total systems approach in managing the entire flow of information, materials, and services from raw material suppliers through factories and warehouses to the end customers. Inventory turnover and weeks of supply are two common measures to evaluate the supply chain efficiency. Inventory turnover is measured as the ratio between the cost of goods sold and the average aggregate inventory value, while weeks of supply is a measure of how many weeks’ worth of inventory is in the system at a particular point in time. A firm considers inventory an investment as it ties up funds that could be used for other purposes, and a firm may have to borrow money to finance the inventory investment (Chase, Jacobs, & Nicholas, 2006).
The global supply chain management process covers aspects of the business that includes sourcing, order fulfillment, offshore procurement, distribution, warehousing, and inventory management. Managing the global supply chain effectively increases competitive advantage, market share and profits. Target’s supply chain is very complex and starts from planning a product to be sold to getting them to their stores to be sold. The process flow chart described below gives an overview of the supply chain.
The first step in the process is deciding the product strategy of either a new or an existing item. For a new product that has not been sold previously in stores, the business sourcing strategy including the vendor the product will be sourced from, cost of the item are determined. The next step is deciding the basic product characteristics like color, size, case pack and also other characteristics like the stores the product will be sold and retail price are decided and setup. Deciding a replenishment strategy includes determining the reorder frequency if the product is planned to be replenished automatically, safety stock required to be carried, store presentation minimums and sales pattern associated with the item. Once the item is setup for replenishment, the orders are created and the information is sent to the vendors electronically using EDI documents. For products that are already being replenished automatically the replenishment parameters are constantly monitored and altered to meet the current market forecast and demands.
The vendors manufacture the product and ship it to Target. The shipment mode and location is determined based on the product. Orders for Import products are not setup to be ordered automatically and orders are placed months ahead. These import products are shipped in ships and sent to the import warehouses near the port of arrival. On arrival at the port these products are either sent to the import warehouses or regional distribution based on the need at the stores. Domestically ordered products are shipped directly to the regional distribution centers. The main distribution strategy followed by Target is warehousing. Only a very few special orders are placed with the vendors that are either sent directly to the stores or to the guests.
Once the products are received at the regional distribution centers they can be unloaded straight from inbound trailers onto the conveyers that lead to outbound trailers to be sent to the stores. The store distribution quantity is based on sales forecasts, store inventory and optimal distribution quantity. The received quantity ordered in excess are stored in the distribution centers for address future needs and market fluctuations. Products available at the regional distribution centers are evaluated daily to determine if any stores need them and picked to be distributed to them. The pick frequency is optimized to make sure the products are not sent to the stores daily for products with lower daily sales. This is done to reduce transportation costs of sending half empty trucks.
The distribution strategy of Target is different from Wal-mart its competitor. Both Wal-mart and Target follow similar warehousing distribution strategy. The main difference is Target evaluates the store needs once while placing orders and then again at the time of distribution. This strategy