Susan Davis Political Profile
By: Victor • Essay • 1,123 Words • June 4, 2010 • 1,245 Views
Susan Davis Political Profile
Susan Davis is a democratic, Jewish, woman from San Diego , California. She has been the representative to San Diego since 2001 and from her track record, she is a good politician. Susan has been a leader ever since she got out of college. Numerous times, she has co-sponored bills that come out of need in San Diego. She is the head of many caucuses as well and holds some leadership power in the House. In this paper, you will see Susan Davis’s accomplishments through animal rights, choice, national defense, local military issues, economy , education, election reform, enviorment, global warming, health care, homeland security, housing, immigration, social security, and veterans.
Susan Davis represents the 53rd district of California which is mostly San Diego. Susan represents 40 communties within San Diego. San Diego stretches from Torrey pines park to the U.S. –Mexico border. San Diego has beautiful beaches and communites and appeals to tourists. San Diego’s economy through tourism flourishes year by year. Attractions that appeal to tourists are Sea World, San Diego Zoo, Balboa Park which is 1,200 acres, Mission Beach, Gaslamp Quarter which is a downtown area full of restaurants, shops, and clubs, and beautiful communities like Little Italy and Old Town. San Diego is more like an entity of its own away from California because it is mostly smog and freeway free unlike the rest of California.
Bio Technology companies are the main part of manufacturing in San Diego. Pharmaceuticals like Merck, Pfizer, Vertex and many others generate millions of dollars. That is no surprise. There are other non-profit companies and the University of California that fuels research successes. San Diego is also the home to many companies that develop celluar phone technologies.
San Diego’s defense revolves around its military influence. The port of San Diego has the only submarine and ship building yards on the west coast . The port also has the largest naval fleet in the world. The cruise ship industry alone generates 2 million dollars. Major national defense contractors are headquartered in San Diego.
Right before Susan Davis went into office in 2001, there was a census calculated of San Diego. The census said that there was 639,087 people and by race and ethnicity that translates to 29% Hispanic/Latino, 51% White Hispanics, % White, 7% Black, 0.2% Other, 8% Asian, Hawaiian, or Pacific Islander, 0.4%Indian/Alaskan , and 3.3% Muliracial. Some of the main constiuents of San Diego are homosexuals. Hillcrest is the main gay community in San Diego and has had a major influence in the city ever since the �70s. It is estimated through The Gay and Lesbian Atlas that by 1990 , 45% of San Diego was gay. Using the 2000 consensus , an index was setup for Gays in San Diego. The national norm is 100 but, the San Diego overall index is 186 which means that it is 86% higher than the national norm. Looking at just gay males, the index is 226 which means that it is 126% higher than the national norm . The index for Lesbians is 144 which means that it is 44% higher than the national norm. I think it is safe to say, San Diego is a special place of its own identity and later on you will see how Susan supports them.
The mayor of San Diego is Jerry Sanders who is a republican. The people haven’t elected a democratic mayor since 1988. In the 2006 elections for governer, Republican Arnold Schwarzenegger won with 55.8% of the votes. Democrats won however in the Senate with the re-election of Phil Angeelides with 55.8% of the vote. In August 2007, registered democrats outnumber Republicans 7 to 6. The 2004 presidential elections were extremely close. In San Diego and some surrounding areas, 475,736 people voted for Bush and 429,923 people voted foe Kerry. California has a huge influence in Congress with 55 of the Electoral College’s 538 votes. Even though the area is mostly republican , that does not shadow liberalism that engulfs the land. The gay culture