By: yasirbaigmirza • Essay • 748 Words • April 18, 2011 • 964 Views
both internal and external factors responsible for change. Organizations with this type of approach are more innovative and discovery driven. To save them self from being obsolete and outworn such organizations have a close eye on environment and successful environment scanning leads them to successful change. Second approach says organizations cannot change easily. Whenever they do change greater risks are entitled. This approach talks about resistance to change and hesitation of top management in bringing about change. Organizations following this approach are more conservative and do not anticipate change. Effort to bring change is only made when it is necessary to survive. Internal factors such as culture, organization politics force an organization to change while external factors like competitors, suppliers and customers and legislation make an organization to change. So in this change driven time period most of the organization are being forced to change their process and products. But at the same time some organizations are going for change by acting as proactive rather than being reactive. Whenever company goes for change it faces state of confusion to decide which factors should be considered and which should not be, whether internal factors should be given more weight or external factors. Most companies give more importance to external factors and internal factors are either ignored or only few factors are considered. Companies should understand that organizational change is a broad term which can be explained by both content and process. For better understanding of this term both of its components should be considered. Both process and content can be independent or dependent, it depends upon the nature of change and scenario of change .Most of the researches focus on only one component. To understand organizational change a better understanding of organizational approach is necessary which is employed to bring about change. Organizational changes can be brought by focusing on both internal and external factors. It is very important for organizations to know which factors play most important role. Organizations are very good at finding overall problem but it is not possible for companies to narrow down problem and find right solution for defined problem. To be able to define problem and narrow it down it is very important that organization pay heed to base of the problem rather focusing on tip of ice berg. In most of the situations internal factors are over looked and only external factors are considered like technological factors, competition and market trends. This problem leads to half solution problem. In Half solution problem companies consider only few factors to find timely solution to a problem but this solution is not permanent and companies start facing same problem after a certain point in time. To answer this question, this research is solely focusing