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Teaching Standards

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Teaching Standards


The standards for different grade levels vary. For preschool teachers we have to see if the child interacts well with their peers. What kind of language they use. Do they speak clearly. What words do they not know hoe to pronounce and why. We basically get them prepared to go into the stages of where there going to be graded on their performance. We check to see if they know the meanings of the words that they are using. If they can make a sentence using more than four or five words. If they share emotions and expressions to convey what they are trying to say. If they are motivated to start reading. If they enjoy activities where a book is involved. If they can break down a word into there syllable. Can they explain what they just were read?, do they have an understanding of what order things happened in in the story. In writing we check to see if they hold the pencil with a tight grasp. To see if they know how to form letters. How they form them; If they can write on a straight line. Do they know that some letters are upper case. Do they realize what things need upper case. Do they sign their art work.?, with what hand do they write with. If they

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