The Arvind Mills Ltd.
By: regina • Essay • 404 Words • April 9, 2010 • 1,311 Views
The Arvind Mills Ltd.
THE ARVIND MILLS LTD. - A sneak peak into the U.S. markets
"Achieve global dominance in select businesses built around our core competencies, through continuous product and technical innovation, customer orientation and a focus on cost effectiveness."
- Vision -
A Brief History
In the year 1930, with the Indians' mass opposing of the fine and superfine fabrics imported from England, which was pioneered by Mahatma Gandhi, the Lalbhai Brothers discovered an opportunity in this area. Thus, the three brothers Kasturbhai, Narottambhai and Chimanbhai decided to put up a mill to produce this superfine fabric. In this regard, state-of-the-art machinery was acquired from England at the most attractive prices. In this way, The Arvind Mills was born in the year 1931, with the pioneering efforts of Lalbhai Brothers. It is one of India's leading composite manufacturers of textiles. Its headquarters is in Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India. It manufactures a range of cotton shirting, denim, knits and bottom weights (Khakis) fabrics.
Arvind Mills was started with a share capital of Rs.2,525,000/- ($55000). They aimed to manufacture the high-end superfine fabrics, and for this purpose they invested in very sophisticated technology. It was one of the few companies in those days to start with spinning and weaving facilities in addition to full-fledged facilities for dyeing, bleaching, finishing and mercerizing.
In 1987-88 Arvind entered the export market for two sections - denim for leisure and fashion wear and high quality fabric for cotton shirtings and trousers.
In 1997 Arvind set up a state-of-the-art shirting, gabardine