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The Ben & Jerry Short Story

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The Ben & Jerry Short Story

The Ben & Jerry Short Story

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Name: Jonathan Burnett

Class: TTH 12:30

Date: Thursday, April 17, 2008

Title: The Ben & Jerry Short Story

General Purpose: to inform about Ben & Jerry

Specific Purpose: to get the audience to think about how interesting this topic is

Central Idea: Ben & Jerry

Main Points of Body:

1. How Ben & Jerry met

2. How they started their business

3. How they contribute to the betterment of society

Method of Organization: chronological

I. Ladies, Gentlemen, and Ice cream lovers:

B. A short description on how Ben Cohen & Jerry Greenfield got together

C. The motive I choose this theme is because I like their ice cream

D. After my presentation the audience might think of a flavor that they like best

E. The day of presentation I will discus:

1. How Ben & Jerry met

2. How they started their business

3. How they contribute to the betterment of society

Ben and Jerry met in 7th grade

F. They became fast friends

1. In gym class they were the slowest and plumpest kids

2. They were a part of the Clean Plate Club

G. Ben and Jerry’s relationship blossomed

1. In 1966 when they started high school did their relationship truly began

2. They got interested in college to get out of the house and out of the war

3. Ben went to Colgate Jerry went to Oberlin

II. Ben & Jerry start business

A. 1977 they started mulling over business ideas

1. Ben

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