The Catcher Inthe Rye
By: David • Book/Movie Report • 343 Words • March 27, 2010 • 878 Views
The Catcher Inthe Rye
Independent Reading Assignment Page 1: Plot
The Catcher in the Rye by J.D. Salinger is a novel that is a flashback of the events that occur in the few days where the main character, Holden Caulfield decides to run away from the boarding school he is being expelled from. Instead of returning home to his family, Caulfield spends a few days on his own in New York City as he faces many conflicts along the way.
The major conflict in this story is that Caulfield desperately wants to connect with people in the world; however he is constantly alienating himself from it. Holden encounters many women in the novel, all of which he appears to be interested to be sexually acquainted with. Jane Gallagher, a female character that Holden spends the entire novel discussing, is someone that he both respects and finds attractive, however nothing comes of this because the with every opportunity he has to talk to her, he refuses by making up an excuse such as he doesn’t feel like it at the time. Sally Hayes is a long time girlfriend of Holden who he attempts to run away with. Their relationship appears to fall apart after they fight and Holden tells her that she gives him a “royal pain