The Chambered Nautilus by Oliver Wendell
By: Mike • Essay • 307 Words • April 10, 2010 • 793 Views
The Chambered Nautilus by Oliver Wendell
In "The Chambered Nautilus" by Oliver Wendell the snail in the shell is growing up just like we do, birth to death.
We relate more to this animal than many of us may realize. We grow out of clothes, our socks, and shoes, much like they gradually grow out of the chambers of their shell. They move through the chambers of their shell after they have grown and no longer comfortable in the space that now seems so small. We like snails grow uncomfortable in our own shells. We begin to like different things in our life in our seperate stages of growth. As a child, we play with toys, eat, and sleep pretty much the whole day, as we grow up we begin to take responsibility for our own actions, going to school, and realizing there is more to life than just minor activities. Once you have become an adult you are set on raising a family, making a living, and preparing for retirement.
During the first stages