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The Greatest Lesson in Life

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The Greatest Lesson in Life

The Greatest Lesson in Life

The Merriam Webster's dictionary has many different definitions for the meaning of the word love. It can be defined as a strong affection for another arising out of kinship or personal ties, affection based on sexual desire, or affection based on admiration, benevolence, and/or common interests. To love and be loved is cherished greatly among my family. From the day that I was born I was granted with unconditional love by my family. These people that surrounded me with this love have taught me not only to love them, but myself and hopefully a special someone in the future as well.

My family is composed of people who are extremely close knit. After all this time, I have come to learn that family is one of the most important

accessories in the package of life. I have been put in many different situations with my family, whether or not they are good or bad, we always seem to get through them together. I guess one could say that I look at my family as a team. As I talk about how close knit my family is, I am not just referring to my immediate family, which is composed of my mother, father and two sisters. Here, I am referring to my entire family; Grandmothers, Grandfathers, Aunts, Uncles and my many Cousins. The most significant idea that has been imbedded in my head is that no matter what may come of life, I will always have my family to turn to in the end. I value my family greatly; we count on each other and help each other out in any case. The one person in my family that I look up to the most is my mother. With the help of my father, my mother has shaped and molded me into the person that I am today. She started out as a very young mother in her early, early twenties and has taught me to be a well-rounded person, ready to face anything that should happen to come along in life. My mother has learned these qualities from her mother whom she is extremely close with as well. So close, that my grandmother refers to her self as our "experienced mommy". The circle of love that surrounds my family will never be broken, all of us know how important we are to each other, and we plan on loving each other till the end.

As my mother continues to shape and mold me into a better person, she has shown me how to love myself in this process. During my life time I have come to road blocks, places I thought were so horrible and believed that life couldn't go on any longer. I had placed my self in small situations that I blew out of proportion. I had made myself believe that I wasn't a worth while person. People would be better off with out me to bother them or be at their backs all the time. Luckily, I knew that I could go to my mom for help and talk to her about the feeling I had been experiencing. She was right there listening to every word I said and taking it all in one breath at a time. One of the greatest memories I have to this day is speaking with my mother about this, and having her teach me to love myself. After all that has happened in my past, I know now that I am a worth while person that deserves as much as I can receive out of life. All of these thoughts I owe all to my wonderful mother. Today, as I drift back and look at these challenges, I realize that nothing was as bad as I had

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