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The Importance of a Wife

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The Importance of a Wife

The importance of a wife is something I think we all take for granted. I say wife but this role may be played by anyone in the family. It has become more and more frequent that it is now the husband that is doing the “motherly duties”. This leaves the woman to do the Husband’s duties. Yet, we still have come accustom to expect many things from a wife. Just some of those duties are washing the dishes, having dinner ready, the pets feed, the laundry done, the house clean, the bills figured, doctor’s appointments figured into the schedule, babysitting arraignments, so on and so forth. This is best said by Judy Brady “Why do I want a wife? I would like to go back to school so that I can become economically independent, support myself, and, if need be, support those dependent

upon me. I want a wife who will work and send me to school. And while I am at school I want a wife to take care of my children”. Placing everything, that has anything to do with her, on the back burner. “…I want my wife to quit working and remain at home so that my wife can more fully and completely take care of a wife’s duties” as said by Ms. Brady. But I truly believe that a family would not, could not function without a “wife”. There is a great point made by Judy Brady from I Want a Wife, “My God, who wouldn’t want a wife?” Without the organizer we would be lost, without the cook no one would be feed. Imagine life without that solid rock that somehow always knows where your keys are and where everyone is and should be throughout the day. Chaos, complete chaos, that’s what it would be. Judy makes some very good points in her essay about what wife’s represent and what all are expected from them. Pointing out it isn’t a wife, per say, it is the person with the responsibility we all need.

One great way to relieve some of the duties of the wife is to split up the chores and communicate. With these few things to help out you will have more time and priorities would shift. You would be more involved in your relationship. It would be come more of a partnership. You can rely on one another and have more time together as a family. Making schedules and splitting chores involves everyone, in this eliminating the dependency that one person. With communication you have a stronger, longer lasting relationship. All in all you will be a happier person. When you and your family members are open, honest and aware of what each other is doing you are more likely to be more involved.

In defense of men they usually do their part. They do the husband duties. These duties include working out in the yard, working in the garage, fixing various household items and killing spiders. Without the husband the wife would not have much of a job. The men need someone to be there to find the missing hat and schedule their appointments then keep them straight for them.

We just need to realize the dependency on one another is what makes our families function. It’s not just a dependency but the communication and everyone doing their part. Each member of the family may have different responsibilities no matter how little

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