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The Influence Television Has on Children

By:   •  Essay  •  294 Words  •  June 12, 2010  •  1,653 Views

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The Influence Television Has on Children

The influence television has on children

The greatest influence on children of today is television. It has become one of the most popular inventions. As time progresses, television is becoming more and more relevant in the lives of children. With it Children have been able to watch shows designed specifically for children and also historical moments. Historical moments like when men first walked on the moon or Chicago having its first black mayor. They watch television while they eat, to entertain guest, before they go to bed, and to play video games.

Many people today blame television and media in general when something bad happens, for example shootings in the schools. However, should television take all the blame for effects and changes in American youth? Television shows crimes and killing, but television can also teach young children how to behave in the right way.

Television can not influenced all of us, but it can definitely influence young children, who are, "curious and easily influenced. They tend to mimic and repeat what they hear and

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