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The Internet

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The Internet

Webster’s dictionary defines the Internet as “a widely used networking interface, connecting several very large information servers” (193). The Internet is a good way for companies or anyone to get information out to the entire world. Electronic marketing (e-marketing) is a very large part of the Internet. E-marketing is “the process of creating, distributing, promoting, and pricing products for targeted customers in the virtual environment of the Internet” (Ferrell 597). There are many advantages and disadvantages to e-marketing.

One disadvantage to e-marketing is the advancements in cookie technology. A cookie is a way for companies to track how many times people visit their website. Cookies can also reveal information such as what part of the site individuals are checking out and how often they do this (Ferrell 600). is a very good example of a cookie. At, a tally is made and points are given to people who visit different places on the website. These points determine how many times the visitors name is entered in the end of the week sweepstakes. A drawing is held and a cash prize is given to the winner. Most people would argue that there is no problem with this, as would I. A problem does however occur with some websites. For example, is it ethical for some websites to monitor where and what people are visiting so they can target consumers for sales?

Pop-up ads are another disadvantage to e-marketing. Pop-up ads can be very annoying. These adds are everywhere around the Internet. Often times there are many ads circulating at the same place. When I surf the Internet usually I am doing it for one reason, to gather information. The last thing I am going to want is some company sticking their add right in my face. I believe if consumers want to buy these products, they would visit websites of companies who sold them.

A third disadvantage to e-marketing is intrusive e-mail. E-mail is a good way to communicate long distances for free. Like postal mail, people can receive junk mail electronically. This has always burned me. With postal junk mail simply throwing out what is unwanted solves the problem. E-mail is different. Junk

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