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The Lasing Affects of Gruesome Nanking Massacre

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The Lasing Affects of Gruesome Nanking Massacre

The Lasing Affects Of Gruesome Nanking Massacre.

In Little over six weeks the entire city of Nanking lost half it’s population to violent murders by the Japanese Imperial Army. Numbers like that in today’s society would be noticed. The Official report from Japan was not changed until 1982. That means for 45 years the deaths of 300,000 were not even acknowledged. Which even the death toll today is still highly disputed. Many Japanese believe the massacre did not even exist. Japan has a new policy right now dubbed the massacre the massacre campaign to try to mend sore wounds. To such alarming figures it terrifying to see the carnage spread through and little stress on the event in History classes.

The Japanese Imperial Army stormed Manchuria in 1931starting the Sino- Japanese War and then again attacking the Chinese, in the Battle of Shanghai. The battle started in the summer of 1937. The Chinese eventually surrender in November. December 13, 1937, 50,000 Japanese soldiers Marched through the tiny village of Nanking. The troops were sent into Nanking with orders to “kill all captives”.

The first order of business for the Japanese began with the most immediate threat. The 50,000 Chinese POW who surrendered were the first on the list. To the Japanese Imperial Army, surrendering was very dishonorable under the bushido code. The Japanese soldiers would ship off the bodies to the outskirts of Nanking then dug ditches to throw the corpses away in, some they burned alive, and some were respectively beheaded.

After the soldiers were all terminated the army turned its attention in animal like instinct from then on it did not matter what age nor gender you were, the slaughtering would continue. More than 20,000 Chinese women were rapped the brutally stabbed. The sick sinister delights of warfare did not stop there. Pregnant women were treated in the same manner, raped then the soldiers sliced the stomach and removed the unborn fetuses.

During the six week reign of terror anyone could be shot for any reason. Many times the Japanese shot their riffles off indiscriminately off in crowds. The women who survived brutal rapes and murders were forced to join the Comfort Women Organization. The Comfort Women Organization trained women to become prostitutes for the pleasure of the Japanese Army.

Twenty Westerners containing Americans and Europeans alike made the Safety-Zone. Businessmen, missionaries and doctors became heroes by claiming a 2.5 miles radius in the center of the town. The twenty saved over 300,000

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