The Lesson on Child Welfare.
By: Richelle Massie • Term Paper • 459 Words • February 27, 2015 • 932 Views
The Lesson on Child Welfare.
Richelle Massie
Mr. Dan Schmidt
Introduction to Social Work
21 April 2014
Reaction #3
Child Welfare
One of the topics discussed in class that caught my attention was the lesson on child welfare. In the class, we discussed the roles of a child service worker and their importance. In addition, we also analyzed the difficulties to a social worker faces to ensure children safety and the reuniting of families. We also disused social workers aid in adaption and the follow-up thereafter.
In the class, there was little information provided about this topic. First, was the power point presentation with a printed copy of each slide. Within this the roles and functions of a child welfare worker was defined clearly, and it also indicated how social workers are needed to protect children. Also, in the presentation it focused the rights of children who cannot protect themselves from their caretaker. There was a more in depth slide that broke down the how the lack of a stable family structure can effect a child’s welfare. The was also a reading assignment analyzing children from East St. Louis, IL and children from Rye, NY. This story showed how a social worker needed to be present in East St. Louis, IL. It showed how the children rights were being disregarded and most of the children had little to no food to eat, dirty water, and overall intolerable living environments.
Secondly, was a series of video clips from the movie Precious that showed a social worker preforming an at home visit and an office visit. The videos, however, also showed how heavy caseload and judgmental therapy can lead to child neglect and abuse being overlooked. This also highlighted the importance of social workers in the prevention of child welfare.
My opinion of this discussion is it child welfare worker need to focus at saving one child at a time. I believe that we try extremely too hard to meet the quotes for that day instead of meeting the set standard to reunite families. I also think that the diversity of families and the family structure subtracted from the social worker of meeting the set standards. Also, watching my mother be involved in the welfare system, I have seen many negative effects from being it. I remember my mother had three foster children the social worker would only come once a moth and stay for about ten to fiftteen minutes. Although my mother was a great caretaker, this type of negligence shows that social workers are simply too overwhelmed to ensure every child is being treated well. However, the discussion confirmed my decision to become a Child Therapist because there is a great need for them and my passion to help propel children to become more than there environment.