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The New Track: Ups During and After Implementation of It

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The New Track: Ups During and After Implementation of It

The New Track: UPS during and after Implementation of IT

It is very rare that a company sees overwhelming improvements immediately after the implementation of Information Technology. This is not the case with the delivery juggernaut UPS. The company has invested millions to gain access to cutting technology that has separated it from the rest of the pack. Since the company has focused its efforts on embracing the advantages that are possible with new technology, UPS has put itself on a stage of its own. UPS is in a unique position, one of dominance but also of flexibility. The information that UPS has embraced allows it to constantly improve both its operations and customer satisfaction.

What has changed

There are several aspects of UPS’ operations that have benefited from the investment of Information Technology. It all starts with the most basic, but fundamental parts of how UPS operates. The company’s improvements to the actual delivery methods of each driver have saved large sums of cash and headaches. In the past, the drivers had to use their own intuition with help of maps to navigate their routes. That could prove costly and time consuming. Now drivers and managers have the benefit of one of the most advanced route optimization systems. This system that the majority of UPS drivers have installed in their trucks, tells each driver the best course to navigate that saves time and fuel consumption regardless of the expertise of the deliveryman or woman. Since managers also have access to this information, they can track where their drivers are located. The rewards of this system are easily calculable; it saved over 3 million miles in travel last November alone. With faster and more efficient routes comes improved service and happier customers.

The physical delivery by each driver is not the only aspect of UPS that has improved over the past years. UPS has leveraged its size and substantial growth to enter into a market that makes other delivery services drool with envy. With the development of its extensive web network, it has brought the benefits of tracking directly to its customers. UPS is able to charge a premium, relative to the post-office, because of that extra-step of technology that companies cannot produce themselves. Simple online tracking is only scratching the surface of the many benefits to the system, however, and now UPS has put itself right in the driver seat for the supply-chain management for thousands of companies. With use of the different application technologies, UPS is able to build specifically designed supply management from the ground up for a business. Flex Global View allows customers to view shipment status warehouse inventory, and purchase orders everywhere on the planet. Also, the Gemini graphical user interface and application program makes it easy for employees of a company to have access to order processing and productivity tools at each pc. UPS takes all the responsibility of shipping and billing, international trade law recognition, and insurance of the goods while a small business manager simply tracks their goods from the comfort of his or her home office. These programs are just some to the many technologies that UPS is using to lure businesses by minimizing the need for company managers to be proficient in the supply management. UPS is able to exploit there enormous size and proficiency in comparison to small business’s limited abilities. They are basically eliminating the need of an entire business field and replacing it with outsourcing to UPS.

Impact for Global Marketplace

With all of the advancements that have been made at UPS, the company is poised

to easily take over the global marketplace. UPS’ technological breakthroughs have enabled the company to build on the domestic operations and go straight into the international arena. Global business has been enhanced through the additions of UPS’ new process technology like WorldShip and QuantamView, which streamline the preparation, tracking, and management of international shipments. UPS takes the headache out of international shipping for the small or large

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