The Science Behind Savant Syndrome
By: vinedancer • Creative Writing • 495 Words • August 14, 2014 • 942 Views
The Science Behind Savant Syndrome
The Science Behind Savant Syndrome
1) Definition of Savant Syndrome
a) Rare
b) Astonishing areas of ability
i) In contrast to areas of handicap
c) Fascinating phenomenon in cognitive psychology
d) Savant holds key to understanding memory and cognition
2) First recognized by Dr. J. Langdon Down
a) Coined term “idiot savant”
i) No longer used, inappropriate connotation
ii) Few savants have low IQs
3) Statistics
i) Fewer than 100 reported cases of prodigious savants in world literature
ii) Congenital
iii) Acquired in normal individual following CNS injury or disease
iv) Occurs more frequently in males than females 6:1 ratio
v) 10% of autistic persons have some savant abilities
vi) Often associated with premature birth history
vii) Many savants go unnoticed
4) Description of special savant abilities/savant skills
i) Always linked with incredible memory
(a) Very narrow
(b) Extremely deep
(c) Relies more on corticostriatal than cortico limbic
1. Cognitive used more commonly in normal people
ii) Skills usually manifested in one of six areas
(1) Calendar calculating
(2) Lightening calculating and mathematical ability
(3) Art, drawing, sculpture
(4) Music
(a) Usually piano with perfect pitch
(b) Most common savant skill
(c) Often co-exists with blindness and autism
(5) Mechanical abilities
(6) Spatial skills
iii) Can have unusual language abilities
iv) Skills can appear suddenly without explanation
(1) Can disappear just as suddenly
v) Other less frequent manifestation of skills
(1) Memorizing maps
(2) Visual measurement
(3) Extrasensory perception
(4) Unusual sensory discrimination
(a) Enhanced sense of touch and smell
(b) Perfect sense of timing without use of a clock
vi) Skills can be in one of three (3) categories
(1) Splinter skills
(a) Skills stand in contrast to person’s overall level of functioning
(2) Talented savants
(a) Person displays high level of ability in contrast to their disability
(3) Prodigious savants
(a) Rarest
(b) Ability is so spectacular in contrast to disability that it would be spectacular even if seen in a non-disabled person
5) Famous Savants
i) Rain Man
ii) Leslie Lemke, music
iii) Alonzo Clemens, sculptor
iv) Richard Wawro, painting
v) Stephen Wiltshire, drawing
vi) Tony DeBlois, music
6) Theoretical Explanations
i) Inherited skills
ii) Concrete thinking
iii) Left brain injury with right brain compensation
(a) Pre-natal, peri-natal, or post-natal
The Science Behind Savant Syndrome