The Standard in Streaming Digital Video
By: Max • Essay • 386 Words • May 30, 2010 • 1,169 Views
The Standard in Streaming Digital Video
The Standard in Streaming Digital Video
QuickTime is Apple's award-winning, industry-standard, software architecture for creating, playing and streaming digital media for Mac OS and Windows. With QuickTime 4.1.2, it is easier than ever to work with video, animation, sound, music, text, pictures, interactive images, and 3D graphics.
Windows System Requirements
QuickTime 4.1.2 runs on Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows NT & Windows 2000, and requires an Intel Pentium or compatible processor. Requirements also include; 16 MB of RAM, Sound Blaster or compatible sound card and speakers. DirectX version 3.0 or later is recommended.
Macintosh System Requirements
QuickTime 4.1.2 requires a PowerPC CPU or later running Mac OS version 7.5.5 or higher, and with Open Transport version 1.2 or higher. In addition, the computer must have at least 16 MB of RAM.
What's New in QuickTime 4.1
QuickTime 4.1 adds many new features to the power of QuickTime. Some of these features include:
- Support for Variable Bit Rate (VBR) MP3 files
- AppleScript support for the QuickTime Player (Mac OS only)
- Improved streaming for corporate clients through better HTTP navigation
- Multiple movie playback support via SMIL
For more information about these new capabilities and more, visit the QuickTime web site at <>. The QuickTime web site also provides many links