The Wallace Group
By: David • Essay • 514 Words • April 27, 2010 • 1,176 Views
The Wallace Group
A. What is the most important problem facing the Wallace Group?
The main problem facing the Wallace Group is overall employee management. The key people interviewed expressed concern on how the current employees were being used. They also were concerned about pay scales and job requirements.
1. Some employees were being put into management positions with little to no training or experience
2. Employees from one group were being “lent out” to another group leaving that group shorthanded.
3. Pay scales for current jobs are maxed out and too low to hire quality engineers. Most people applying for jobs are making more at their current job.
4. The job requirements are much too strict for the pay scale.
B. What recommendation(s) would you make to Mr. Wallace, and in what order of priorities?
1. Training for managers/leaders in a team approach
2. In-house and/or outhouse training in effective communication skills, group skills, etc.
3. Create a strong employee-centered management team to meet with groups of employees to involve them in the decision making process (i.e. by asking for their ideas and input)
4. Develop a management development program for the employees who need extra training in their new job positions
5. Reexamine position entrance requirements to attract high quality employees
6. Increase pay scales for engineering positions, lower the job specs and find new recruiting channels.
7. Develop Group Marketing/Sales team to lead the company in business expansion effort
8. Integrate marketing planning efforts between our group and Corporate. (This is especially true if the Wallace group is to successfully grow in non-defense oriented markets and products.)
C. How do you educate a manager to manage an organization as it evolves over time from an entrepreneurial structure to a more sophisticated and complex organizational structure?