The War Against Addiction
By: David • Essay • 529 Words • April 14, 2010 • 1,341 Views
The War Against Addiction
The War against Addiction
As I write about addiction and its new concept of helping the addict. It really blows my
Mind. Medicine that can help you to stop during drugs and carrying out old behavior. Even to
help alcoholics.
The old school of addiction is Alcoholics Anonymous. As they talk about these new drugs that have come along, Alcoholics Anonymous which stated back in 1935 with an
Alcoholic name Bill Williams came up with a 12 step program that would give you relieve from
Alcohol and drugs if you follow the 12 step p program. The book is called the Big Book written by
a helpless alcoholic who they say has recovery from a seamless, hopeless state of mind and
body. The new medicines that are out now referred back to alcoholics Anonymous.
There are at least 2 to 3 medicines out there say’s Newsweek. It all started with and
hopeless Alcoholic name Annie Fuller that they tried the vaccine name Vivitrol own. It’s a
monthly injection that help prevent the patient from drinking alcohol BT obliterating the ability
to intoxicate you. The American Medical Association recognized addiction as a disease back in
1956. They started to see an underlying biochemistry of the disease. The definition of and addict
They say is a chronic relapsing brain disorder. The National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA),
FMRI, and Pet scans are working own medicines to help the chronic disease. They talked about
How the brain is put into motion by taste, if the addict sees are thinks about alcohol or drugs it
Start to take over the primitive midbrain and the alcoholic has poured a drink before they know
It. These medicines are to block the intoxicating affects of drugs. Also a vaccine that will help
the body’s to train its own immune system from the brain. The medicines are called Vivitrol,
Vigabatrin, Chaparral, D-cycloserive DCS, Provigil, Vivitrol obliterate