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The War in Iraq

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The War in Iraq

I do not approve of the job the Bush administration is doing with the war on terrorism, and the war in Iraq. While I believe that Saddam Hussein was a tyrant who killed his people, it was a good idea to remove him from power; I don’t think Iraq is the problem. When the Twin Towers fell it was the most heinous crime to ever befall America. The Bush Administration swore to fight back and when the war started we were located in Afghanistan looking for Osama Bin Laden, and now we’re in Iraq losing American lives trying to establish a democracy that I think will not work. Bush said establishing democracy will be a success, but how long have we been trying and to no avail there has been nothing. You have to ask yourself is it worth all these lives with long term effects and money to our country? I don’t think many people including the President realize the magnitude that this war will have on each and every one of us in the years to come. If we should be anywhere it should be in Afghanistan, but I do not agree with war. I believe there are alternate solutions than resorting to war. We should go to war, only when all other options are exhausted or just don’t work. To fight the war on terrorism we don’t need to establish democracy in a country where there is nothing. We should live our lives freely, as we were meant to. Looking over my shoulder all the time and suspecting everyone around me is not my idea of freedom. This war will cause nothing but death and devastation for years to come.

An issue that I think should be dealt with is abortion. Abortion is a hot button issue with a lot of people in the country right now. I believe in pro-choice. I myself would not get an abortion, but I believe that it should not only be a woman’s choice, but it should be a choice because you’re an American. Isn’t this the land of the free? It doesn’t matter if you, yourself don’t believe in it, whether it’s because of your religion, morals, or you think its murder. No one has the right to play God, not even the mother and father, but if it should be anyone to decide, it should be the parents and not some piece of paper with signatures and a stamp of approval. A person who is against abortion does not know the situation and feelings

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