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Tiger Woods

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Tiger Woods

There have been few athletes that every American can recognize by first name, Babe, Mike, Wayne, and maybe a few others that could be disputed, but there is no doubting that Tiger is part of this elite group. This is only one of the many reasons Tiger Woods has become the greatest golfer of all time. To prove this statement the facts, stats, and actions of tiger’s childhood, amateur, beginning PGA, and present careers.

Tiger made the decision to leave his college life and career behind to turn pro in 1996. The rookie quickly became a sensation on the tour. He was the man always in contention, never missing the cut, and the favorite. This was not only great news for Tiger and his family, but for the entire tour. Tiger was the superstar a struggling sport and culture needed. Everyone was looking for something to be interested in every Sunday. The people wanted to see something special. Tiger is something special. All this great attention and play lead to the silence of any overrated comments. Now there were more questions asked about when he would break every record in the books. “There was a time, when Woods first turned professional, when people wondered if he had the game to win an Open, whether he had enough accuracy off the tee, or enough control with his short irons, or enough patience. Those questions have been silenced. Woods can win on any golf course that has tee boxes, fairways and greens.”(2)

Now that Tiger’s reputation was established and the jitters of being a rookie were fought. Tiger turned his thought to the four majors.

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