Time Management
By: David • Essay • 1,006 Words • March 31, 2010 • 1,135 Views
Time Management
Time management is very important in order to be successful in life. As a college student time management is extremely important in order for me to get my work to get done but also to make time for leisure activities. The most common motivational cold is the lack of interest in certain subjects. The heart of effective time management is a weekly and daily schedule. Also long terms goals must be determined in order for short term goals to be established. Be proactive means taking initiative, not waiting for others to act first, and being responsible for what you do. The opposite of proactive is reactive. Reactive people tend to react to what goes on around them. Proactive people act based on principles and purpose. So think with the end in mind when establishing your schedule.
Gathering necessary information is an important factor in time management. Write all of your assignments down so that you know how much time you have to do it, and when it is due. By doing this you will be able to work your schedule around your study time. Also not only do you need to write down your assignments but also leisure activities. Such as after sport team meetings, social club meeting, and even vacations.
Planning ahead is another key factor in managing your time. Consult your things to do with a monthly schedule and hang it up in your room. Be sure while you are making a schedule of “things to do,” you take into consideration how long it takes you to complete certain task. Also figure out how much time you have to do certain assignments and break them up into several days if that works best for you. By dividing up your assignments it takes the stress off of you and gives you extra leisure time. When planning ahead use some type of calendar or monthly planner to keep track of your things and also to keep them
Prioritizing work assignments is crucial to successful time management. Some people do not know how to prioritize and become procrastinators. Deciding which tasks are the most important, and then setting aside time to complete them, while leaving time to deal with unplanned interruptions, is one way to manage time while aquiring more. Many time management experts recommend only handling a piece of paper once - act on it, file it, or toss it, but do not allow it to sit and wait. Plan time in your day to complete the most pressing projects, but leave time for unforeseen developments. Always carry a calendar with you so you can schedule meetings and appointments once, and only once.
Working with a realistic schedule is very important in time management. You have to be realistic when making your schedule. Monitor and analyze how you spend your time. Take into consideration when your best time for studying is, your sleep patterns, your leisure activities, your eating patterns and even your due dates for certain assignments. By doing this you are making a schedule that is “ideal” for you and not anyone else. It will be easier for you to fit this schedule because it works with your schedule. Also when making your schedule set priorities of things that must be accomplished each day, and build flexibility into your schedule. It is essential to build flexibility into schedules incase an emergency comes up.
Additional things that you might want incorporate into your schedule are study routines, places to study, leaving yourself enough time to complete projects, breaks, and time to review studied material. All of things are very important.