To What Extent Is Economic Migration a Threat or a Blessing to Developed Countries?
By: July • Research Paper • 733 Words • April 24, 2010 • 1,210 Views
To What Extent Is Economic Migration a Threat or a Blessing to Developed Countries?
We can not analyse the advantages or disadvantages of migration without define in the first place what is understood by this phenomena Migration is the movement of people from one place in the world to another , due to vital reasons for a better quality of life : political reasons and economic reasons We know certainly two basic trends which are the base for migration The first is Global Population growth and second The global shift in employment First one is referring to the global population which has deep roots in the past and is concern with the problem of birth and death occurring each day It is estimate that the world population is continuing to increase starting from the year 1950 ( 3 billion) and nowadays in 2007 (6 billion) according with the statistics realised by the Census Bureau The second trend is related to the economic reasons and we will focus on them , being the principal theme for this report
The migration phenomena has started a long time ago in the past We have various data from which we can observe this. For example after the Second World War a large mass of Jewish people migrated to America ( due to Jewish pogroms). America was seen and still is like a country �of all possibilities’ a country where �all the dreams came true’ speaking figurate of course. In 1990 we can observe a wave of economic globalisation in the labour force coming from the countries like south – east Asia The process of global economic expansion is due to the market forces , related to demand and supply of labour The most countries from where the people migrate are underdeveloped countries where the majority of wages are low paid For that reasons people prefer to work in the western countries where the wages are better for them and therefore they can save it and if they are returning in their countries they can do many thinks with the money earned ( because of the powerful currency of that money). For example they can built houses or they can open a business or can provide for their family a better environment or a higher education. In the economic words we labelled the people who migrate : cheap labour force We have an relevant example given by Lechner (2004) about the conditions in which same people must work In the industrial zone Petalying Jaya outside the Kuala Lumpur in a factory owned by the Motorola Plant Workers are in a condition of total alienation because it is mentioned’ The stream of woman keep eyes down and barely nodding �. Then we can see that the process of globalisation is presented here having a negative impact upon the