Top Five Best Inventions
By: Janna • Research Paper • 1,123 Words • May 22, 2010 • 1,900 Views
Top Five Best Inventions
Top Five Best Inventions of The 20th century
Have you ever wondered how something was invented? Have you ever wondered why they were invented? Well, I have and this is the result of that wondering.
During the twentieth century, inventions were needed to keep up with the times and be the best country we can be. Most of these inventions were used to keep up with the war, such as the radio and the airplane.
Other inventions, such as the car and television, were necessary to keep up with the automotive and technological world. Without all of these wonderful inventions, where we be today? Well, for starters, there would be no space travel, or for that matter, no travel at all.
The Radio:
Guliemo Marconi first created the radio. He invented it for navigational purposes. Marconi tried to mass-produce his idea but no bankers would lend him money because they thought there would be no money in it. After searching high and low for investors Marconi gave up. Later on in his life the U.S. government bought out his idea for navel and army uses. The government realized that they can do a lot more with it than use it as a navigational tool: They figured out that they can send voices and sounds through it and used it as a two-way communication device, then later found out that it can be used as more than a two-way. As this device was progressing, it became TV station waves (Later stated). The radio played a big part in world war I and II, not only on the battle field but on the home-front as well: People bought radios to use a listening devices to hear the news and there favorite broadcasting programs such as The Shadow, War of the Worlds, Suspense and Amos& Andy.
The Television:
The television was not invented by one person but rather people from all over the world. Some American television inventors were Hollis Semple Baird, Philo T. Farnsworth, Leslie E. Flory, Charles Francis Jenkins, Ernest Fredrik Werner Alexanderson, Ulises Armand Sanabria, and Valadimir Kosma Zworykin. Back when televisions were first sold in the U.S. they were very expensive (for there time) and not worth having because there was not many television stations around. The standard screen size was five inches by five inches and visually circular. The very fist television could only show still images and sound. The first motion television took 15 minutes to turn on because of all the tubes and needing to warm up. The television worked on wireless signals sent by television stations through radio waves, which is our modern day antenna.
The Airplane:
The very first airplane was invented in the late 1700s but that’s not the significant point. This essay is supposed to be about inventions from the 20th century. So why am I talking about something that was invented in the 1700s? Well I didn’t say that it was a good invention but some brothers reinvented the airplane in 1903, making it better, and their name was the Wright brothers. Wilber and Orville Wright to be exact. If they had recreated the airplane it would still be as inefficient as riding across country in a horse and buggy. They created a system of pulleys that helped control the plane from a single spot. Their main design came from a kite: They figured if it could fly then why not just make it bigger. The Wrights made a design that made it possible to be bigger and bigger and still handle just as well. Their first design wasn’t like that though: Their first design was made to fly exactly as a kite, as in it needed the wind and everything to be just right. They flew their airplane and found out that if it wasn’t windy that it wouldn’t fly, so they added a small single-cylinder engine that they built themselves with the help of ford motor company. This design is the same one we use today: Just bigger planes = bigger engines which supply the needed