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Training Project

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Training Project

If you are ever responsible for managing a project you will find it is much easier to control the project if there is a good plan in place. When ever I think of management and planning there is an adage that comes to mind, “adequate planning prevents poor performance. Of course any plan is better than no plan but if there is a well organized and well thought out plan the chance for success increases dramatically.” In this paper I will explain in detail the summary tasks and sub tasks of a two day training session project plan. Keep in mind that no two projects are identical and this training plan is not all encompassing.

Project Plan

Our project plan for this training session consists of 9 summary tasks. Figure 1 below shows the summary tasks which are labeled Identify trainers, identify trainees, determine training site location, hotel reservations, travel arrangements, schedule of events, conference room set up, training and follow up survey.

Figure 1.

The 9 summary tasks have follow on sub tasks which make up the full project plan. These sub tasks are illustrated in Figure 2 below. The first step of the project is to identify our trainers and determine the dates that they are available to conduct the training session. At this time we might also inquire about the audio visiual requirements of each trainer. Once our trainers have been identified and the dates for training have been determined our next step would be to identify our trainees and determine the total number of attendees. In order to accomplish this we will send out invitations with instructions to RSVP with in 5 days. After the five day response period the admin assistant will call all respondents to verify attendance. Now that we have determined the total nubmer of attendees we can move on to summary task three which is to determine the training site location. We call different hotels in the city of choice and find hotels that have a conference room large enough to accomodate the training session and enough rooms to house our attendees. Once the city is identified and a list of hotels is compiled we can move on to summary task four. Here we would decide which hotel has the best facilities and accomodations within our budget. After we determine the best hotel we call to reserve sleeping rooms, conference room and we also want to notify the hotel that we will need to make breakfast and lunch arrangements for everyone attending the training session. Summary task five is travel arrangements. At this time we make airline reservations for everyone and we want to ensure that we have chartered shuttle buses to transport all attendees to the hotel upon their arrival and back

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