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Unconventional Political Action

By:   •  Essay  •  312 Words  •  June 1, 2010  •  1,211 Views

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Unconventional Political Action

The unconventional political action is unnecessary on numerous grounds, including taking away freedom of choice and it denigrates the foundation of democratic societies. Many societies experience unconventional political action, since it is a cycle of two way politics (conventional and unconventional). For example, the unconventional political actions after World War I in Germany resulted in many revolts and instabilities in German government. Not only different factions of Communists and Democrats fought for power using boycotts and illegal occupations of buildings, they also created extreme conditions in what was then a fragile Germany. During the Nazi regime in Germany, Adolph Hitler and his henchmen allowed German masses to vandalize and boycott Jewish owned stores across the German land. In between the end of World War I and Nazi regime controlling Germany there was a normal society that thrived in mints of all the events that were happening in the world. This was a cycle of demonstration of conventional and unconventional political action that happened in one modern society in a short period of time. Even thought, Hitler, came to power using conventional political

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