Unethical Poltics
By: regina • Essay • 1,696 Words • May 15, 2010 • 1,760 Views
Unethical Poltics
Many Americans are getting pretty sick of unethical practices that go on in politics. This can range from the White House to local and state governments. Most unethical practices that people are tired of are corruption. This financial debacle has stunned many people and they wonder why it happens and why nothing is done to stop it. In Arizona, a former governor was charged with conspiring with local drug trades and accepting money for the practice. Some politicians were accepting bribes to keep the crumbling savings and loans afloat. In 1987, one hundred major and minor federal government officials were accused of violation the public trust. In 1988, an overwhelming 70 percent of politicians surveyed thought taking illegal payoffs for favors was widespread throughout all of government. These types of unethical practices became public talk at the dinner tables with the onset of former President Clinton taking office. His presidency chalked up many unethical practices from corruption to sex scandals. The Clinton family brought the Arkansas style of government to the White House and that was the back scratching way of business. Though this style of government has been around for years but never really reveled until Clinton took office. Comfortable deals happen a lot in politics either by the way of pay off from special interest groups to family connections. Vice President Dick Cheney has many connections and helped Sam O’Neil into the Bush Administration. Dick Cheney acted as a shoehorn for O’Neil because he didn’t really know the President but trusted the wise counselor beside him. Fundraising is a prime example of comfortable deals and helps raise major campaign dollars for a political candidate. Money, power, and public relations make a politician who they are. Politics is on the same lines as the haves and have nots in society. Politicians have many tricks up their sleeves to avoid criminal prosecution. They call in special favors all of the time. These types of unethical procedures have many Americans tired of the entire process of politics.
However, many believe unethical political behavior is getting better in politics. Government from the 1930s through the end of WW 2 has been noted the purest form of public administration which was free from unethical proceedings. This did change through the Truman and Eisenhower terms but was quickly clipped before it passed on through the Ford’s term. Watergate opened up the door for more news reporting than ever before. Now that the door is open at most public offices gives the American people more informative stories on what is really happening with their elected officials. Ethical practices may acceptable today where as the same practices weren’t ten years ago. Society changes constantly and the news media are always on top of each social issue change. Not all political candidates are really out to be unethical and dumb founded. Most if not all candidates have a witty head on their shoulders to even make the grade of being a politician. Many argue that their politicians don’t keep political promises as though stated in their campaign for office. Most all presidents have made a complete effort to keep their promises but have been overruled by another political party. President Bush and President Clinton the most recent presidents, have made good on their campaign promises unless defeated in congress. American politics are slightly different than England due to congress or parliament being the same political party. A newly elected president in America can have difficulties acting out his promises without consent of congress and if they are different parties then everything a president wishes to do, he can’t.
Lobbyist and legislator relationships have many American’s turned off on politics as well. Some people believe lobbyism is a mere bribe to help elect potential political candidates and back special interest groups. A lobbyist is putting a politician in their back pocket for the helping of passing legislature to benefit special interest groups. Democratic lobbyists and lawmakers have gone into full frenzy over the possibility that the nearly $1 trillion omnibus spending bill, laden with some tens of billions in local pork projects might be scrubbed before final approval. Democratic lawmakers and politicians need to win their fall races due to the government being controlled by the GOP. A Heritage Foundation review shows the bill includes pork like $450,000 for trout genome mapping and $90,000 to research the olive fruit fly. Money is the root for politics and comes down to who has more when competing with other lobbyists and special interest groups. Not only money but votes are also what politicians want to get into public office. President Bush reaches out to Hispanics with an election year plan to ease immigration laws. This will hope to gain a large vote from the biggest minority