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Unfair Labor/slavery in the Middle East

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Unfair Labor/slavery in the Middle East

These event are taken place in Kurdish North of Iraq and all around the


Two females had come to Iraq's Kurdish North as guest workers six

months earlier. They had been locked in a house for a month and made to

works for free, they said, after their passports, cellphones and plane

tickets were taken away. The two had escaped by begging their captor to

let them attend church, then making contact with other Filipino workers,

who spirited them away.

Whats happening here you ask?- Well,these girls and thousands of

others had been deceived by unscrupulous labor agents who arrange the

journeys. Unable to communicate, some arrive not even knowing what

country they are in. Once here, their passports are seized by their

employment agencies, and they are unable to go home.

Whats happening here is Modern day Slavery, were thousands of

foreign workers have come to the Kurdish district in the last three years.

They come from Ethiopia, Indonesia, the Phillipines, Bangladesh and

Somalia. Some out of desperation for a better life are even satisfied with

their decision to come here, but agents' fees are high, often as much as

two years' wages. To come up with the money, many borrow at high

interest rates and find that their wages are equal only to the interest. In

essence, they say, they end up working for free. Now you see as to why I

call this Modern day Slavery!!!

How are these workers found?- Well, Importing such workers relies

on a far-reaching network of recruiters in poor countries. One such

example is a worker in the name of Tufazil Hussan who spoke: "They said

at the agency that I would make $300 a month and work as a waiter in a

restaurant." With that he said that he took out a $3,000 loan with

monthly interest of $150 to pay the agency, but upon his arrival he had his

passport taken away from him and he was put to work sweeping the

streets seven days a week for $155 a month.

What good is any of this for the crooks?- For the city, the guest

workers fill a manpower shortage while saving money. "We need 1,500

cleaners; we have 350," said Razgar Ahmed Hussein (a filthy crook!!!),

Sulainmaniya's director of cleaning operations. " I never wanted to bring

foreign workers to this city, but we had no other option. Kurds do not


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