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Usa Intervened in Countries

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Usa Intervened in Countries

Since 1945, the United States has intervened in more than 20 countries throughout the world. And since World War II, the United States has dropped bombs on 23 countries including China (1945-46), Korea (1950-53), China (1950-53), Peru (1965), Lebanon (1984), Libya (1986), Iraq (1991-1999), Sudan (1998), Afghanistan (1998), and many more. After the attacks on the US on September 11, 2001, the world was in shock. Bush did not know what to do at first, but hours later, Bush confirmed that we were under attack. Several weeks later, George W. Bush declared the War on Terrorism, a war that the US military along with the help of the UN (united nation), would engage in to bring peace to the world. Inperpation, Afghanistan was the first country on the list of terrorism since Bin Laden was living there, then after would come Iraq. The US believed that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction, and for the US to be able to win the war on terrorism and give the Iraqis freedom Saddam and his administration had to be taken over. Three years later, billions of the US taxpayers’ money has been spent on the war in Iraq, thousands of US soldiers have been killed, and thousands of Iraqi civilians have been killed, with no sign of an end to this disaster. We all know now that Iraq does not have any WMD, and the war on Iraq has nothing to do with its weapons. Iraq and its government had no threat on the US, but proposed a danger to its alien Israel who its people hold high- level positions in Bush administration.

On March 19, 2003, Bush launched an invasion of Iraq. Ten days later, Donald Rumsfeld stated “we know where the WMD (weapons of mass distraction) are. In his State of the Union address in January, President Bush told the world “Our intelligence officials estimate that Saddam Hussein had the materials to produce as much as 500 tons of Sarin, mustard and VX nerve agent ... upward of 30,000 munitions capable of delivering chemical agents ... materials sufficient to produce more than 38,000 liters of botulinum toxin ... 29,984 of these prohibited munitions ... an advanced nuclear weapons development program, had a design for a nuclear weapon and was working on five different methods of enriching uranium for a bomb." (Where are the WMD, May 23, 2003). And on May 03, 2003 Colin Powell stated “I’m absolutely sure that there are weapons of mass destruction there and the evidence will be forthcoming.”(Lies that are never questioned, June 14, 2003) Three years later with $435 billion of the US taxpayers’ money spent, 2,596 US soldiers killed, 19, 387 Wounded, and 133,000 remaining in Iraq, the US did not find any WMD.

The world now knows that Iraq was not any danger to the US. Then why did the US take Saddam and his administration out? People might say it is because of the oil. The US wanted to take control over the oil in Iraq to bring to the US people for less. But that is not what is happening. The truth is now the US controls 100% of Iraq’s oil, but the price of oil is going up. According to, oil was under $25/barrel before the war on Iraq; now it is $60/barrel.

Then, what is the reason for the war? No WMD, oil prices are going through the roof. Could it be to free the Iraqis from the murderer and the dictator, Saddam Hussein. Research shows that more Iraqis have been killed since the war than under Saddam's government. According to, an estimated 98,200 Iraqi civilians have been killed, 55,000 Iraqi insurgents have been killed, and thee have been an average of 90 daily insurgent attacks. The page goes on and to describe decease in the quality of life, and an Iraqi unemployment rate that has gone from 27% to 60%. 25% of children are suffering from chronic malnutrition, there are only 11 hours of electricity per day, and only 37% homes are connected to sewer systems. What is happening in Iraq is not freedom; it is a volition of human rights.

To reiterate: there are no WMD, price of oil is up, and life is horrible for the Iraqi people. What is the truth behind the war on Iraq? US freedom and security was not dependent on it, and the war did not in any way, shape or form stopped the terrorist attacks in the world. According to the terrorist attacks increased by 10-35% since the war on Iraq, and 300% since the war on terrorism started. There were 9 terrorist attacks in 2000, and up to August of ‘06 there have been 33 terrorist attacks in the world which includes the bombing of commuter trains in Mumbai, and the bombing in a market in eastern Moscow killing 10 people.

Since the official reasons given for the war were untrue, why did the United States attack? The crucial factor in President Bush’s decision to attack was to help Israel. This is so extensively known in Washington that the US Senator Ernest Hollings was moved in May 2004 to acknowledge that the US invaded Iraq “to Secure Israel,” and “everybody”

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