Vietnam War
By: Anna • Essay • 579 Words • April 1, 2010 • 1,125 Views
Vietnam War
Vietnam War
I agree with the statement veterans of war are Abetter@ Americans because they appreciate more fully what it means to be Aliberated@ and Afree@, principals that the founding Father supposedly had in mind when going to war against the British during the Revolutionary War.
I know as for myself from firsthand experience and personal knowledge that I am a better American. I spent two tours in Vietnam and both times as a combat soldier. The reason I was there was to stop Communist aggression before it had a chance to spread to the free world countries to include our great United States Of America.
I believe the Vietnam War did highlight the principals which we live, as Americans live. If we hadn=t intervened in the Vietnam war, what would other countries think of us as a super power if we failed to respond to a country that was facing take over by a Communist power. Could other countries count on us in their call for help? As the great American super power we are sworn to help our neighboring countries with Communist aggression.
I believe that despite Vietnam@s unsuccessful war there were some who came out of it with a stronger sense of what it means to be an American. I for one feel that way, but can=t say that for everyone. The moment Americans entered the Vietnam war, it was a political controlled agenda. The soldiers were the unsuspecting though and the hardest hit. I thought we were there to win the war, to help liberate the people, and have a free government. This was not the case and every time we had the upper hand and looked like we might be the victors, a stumbling block from the political side would interfere. The politicians were calling the shots and causing more soldiers to die needlessly .
This is why a lot of your conscientious objectors (C.O.) objected to the war. I don=t feel all conscientious objectors were unpatriotic