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Violence Scapegoat

By:   •  Essay  •  803 Words  •  April 30, 2010  •  995 Views

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Violence Scapegoat

America: the “giant melting pot,” and “the land of the free, home of the brave.” Recent events have made many Americans question whether the freedom, diversity, or bravery still really exists. The Columbine shooting began the domino effect of teen violence, but it was not the birth of violence as a whole. It opened the eyes to society, creating a rush of theories and blames to why it has gotten out of control. The fingers point to entertainment, gun control, media, and fear.

Through music, comedy, romance, and virtual reality, entertainment helps people cope and escape their current lives. The powerful lyrics of a song can help someone feel as if they have something to relate to. Movies give their audience a since of hope that there is always a happy ending, good defeating evil. Video games take most of the heat in the entertainment’s blame. Playing video games does not necessarily cause one to take weapons and reenact what they played the night before, but it desensitizes many of those who expose themselves to the sadistic games frequently. “Shooting games in which the target is a man-shaped outline, the Army found, made recruits more willing to make killing a reflex action’” (Leo, 329). The video games are also becoming too realistic, and not only is the enemy a target, but innocent bystanders and law enforcers are free game as well. These games however, can not be reenacted without access to a weapon, which lately seems to be far too effortless.

The second amendment guarantees and American the right to bear arms. The country has easy access to weaponry, depending on the local government. This can make opportunity at the grasp of those that are not ready or mentally capable for responsibility of a weapon. “If you open an account at North County Bank, you’d get a free gun” (Bowling). This has to be the worst way to promote one’s business. The guns should be used for the sport of hunting. The restriction is thinning as well. The right to bear arms can be anything from a water gun to a nuclear bomb. A simple definition of ‘arm’ could keep the access to a minimum. The people are responsible for the violence, not the weapons themselves. If the temptation is not there, the chances are slowly eliminated.

Every evening, five channels or more, are responsible for broadcasting the recent events locally and nationally. Majority of the news keeps viewers under the impression that their communities are more dangerous with the focus on the negativity: rape, floods, aids, death, stealing, continually reminding American’s that they must be responsible for their own safety. As crime decreases, fear continues to rise. With that known, corporations continue this fear cycle because violence and hate sells. Commercials must point out an individual’s negative qualities to make them realize why they need the product being advertised. The product will keep an individual from failing. “Keep everyone afraid and the will consume” (Bowling).This constant reminder

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