By: Mikki • Essay • 847 Words • May 15, 2010 • 1,374 Views
Deductive Reasoning- reasoning that begins with a general understanding or theory that is then tested through the observation or study of specific situations
Mode- the figure that occurs most often in a set of data
Sociological thinking- Asking questions and questioning answers
Labeling Approach- contends that ppl attach labels to certain behaviors, individuals, and groups that become part of their social identity and shape others’ attitudes about and responses to them
Research Objectives- the specific goals or purposes of a research project.
Symbolic Interactionist Perspective- views social meaning as arising through the process of social interaction (called interactionism)
Positivism- the use of observation, comparison, experimentation, and the historical method to analyze society
Descriptive Research- research that answers the questions “What?” and “How?”
Survey Research- research using a questionnaire or interview to obtain data
Reliability- consistency of measurement
Applied Sociology- uses sociological principles, social ideals, and ethical considerations to improve society
Experimental Design- a research design that attempts to discover a cause-and-effect relationship btwn two variables
Dramaturgical Analysis- uses the analogy of the theater to analyze social behavior
Secondary Analysis- the analysis of existing data
Triangulation- the use of multiple (usually three) techniques to gather or analyze research data
Explanatory Research- research that attempts to explain social phenomena by answering the questions “What?” “How?” and “Why?”
Correlation- a measure indicating that two variables are related in such a way that a change in one is accompanied by a change in the other
Science- knowledge based on empirical evidence gained through direct, systematic observation
Measures of Central Tendency- measures that describe statistical average of numerical data
Validity- the extent to which a technique accurately measures what it purports to measure
Qualitative Research Design- a research design that uses systematic observation and focuses on the meanings ppl give in their social actions
Methodology- the rules and guidelines followed in sociological research
Hawthorne Effect- the phenomenon where subjects’ behavior is influenced by the fact that they are being studied
Inductive Reasoning- the use of specific observations to develop a general understanding
Causation- a relationship where a change in one variable creates a concomitant change in another variable
Ethnographic Interview- a qualitative method in which the researcher systematically observes the ppl being studied while participating with them in their activities
Dependent Variable- a variable that is changed by the independent variable ( i.e. the effect)
Ideal Type- a conceptual model or typology constructed from direct observation and representing the essential qualities found in those cases
Hypothesis- prepositional statements about the relationship btwn the concepts or variables under study
Macro Level Analysis- examines broader social structures and society as a whole
Concept- an abstract idea of general thought
Evaluation Research- research that measures the effectiveness of a program
Quantitative Research Design- a research design that emphasizes the use of numbers and statistics to analyze and explain social events and human behavior
Mass Media- forms of communication that transmit standardized messages to widespread audiences (e.g. newspapers, magazines, books, radio, TV, and movies)