By: blcoult • Essay • 381 Words • April 28, 2011 • 965 Views
Crupi, Jeffrey. "Weight Lifting." Teaching Pre K-8 34.6 (2004): 16. Teacher Reference Center. EBSCO. Web. 17 Mar. 2011.
The article "Weight Lifting" briefly identifies key aspects of training with weights. It includes various information to make sure your body is in its healthiest peak during physical weight lifting. The number of benefits of training with weights is notorious. Important aspects of weight lifting can boost metabolism, increase muscle mass, and prevent injuries. Training with weights is an excellent way to maintain a healthy body and solid physique.
Performing weight lifting exercises, novice or advance lifters should always remember the body is like a machine. Jeffery Cupuri's article "Weight Lifting" can inform weight lifter's the proper procedures to a healthy workout. The body can break down; it requires proper attention to prevent any injuries. Stretching and allowing enough time to warm up the body before lifting is critical. By doing this blood is repetitively flowing faster throughout the muscles causing more warmth to the body. The burning of fuel and rapid contrasts of muscle tend to elevate a person's metabolism. Muscles sustain more flexibility after warm blood is pushed through the tissue. Warming up and stretching is a key essential to help prevent any injuries. While performing weight lifting muscles are being torn and require rest to repair tears in tissues. Often people wont