What Does Gilgamesh Search For?
By: Venidikt • Essay • 348 Words • May 20, 2010 • 1,211 Views
What Does Gilgamesh Search For?
1. What does Gilgamesh search for in his life and why?
2. In what ways does the story in Gilgamesh parallel the story in the Old Testament in the Bible?
Gilgamesh searches for immortality in his life. He sees immortality as a meaning to peace, meaning and joy in his life. After the death of his friend Enkidu, Gilgamesh suffers a lot for 7 days and thinks the only way to get peace is the eternal life. Since he is man for one third and god for two thirds Gilgamesh wants the status of the gods to live forever. Of course, eternal life is reserved for the gods, and no matter what he tries to accomplish this status, he fails. At the end of his journey he finally understands that there is no eternal life for him or any other human being. He realizes though that mankind will live forever.
There are two major parallels in Gilgamesh and the Bible. The first one is a biblical critic to the Mesopotamian Noah. In both stories the gods punish mankind with a flood and warn one specific human. In Gilgamesh the gods specifically advise Untanpishtim how to survive the flood by building a ship and loading animals,