What Is Chlamydia?
By: Venidikt • Essay • 614 Words • April 7, 2010 • 1,464 Views
What Is Chlamydia?
What is Chlamydia?
Chlamydia is a sexually transmitted infection caused by bacteria. It is estimated that
chlamydia is the most common STD with 3 - 4 million new cases each year. Rates of
chlamydia are highest in the West and Midwest, part of the contry.
How is it Spread?
Chlamydia is spread by direct person-to-person contact. It is almost always transmitted
through sexual contact. It is also possible for pregnant women to pass the bacteria to their
infant during birth.
How Do you Know if you are Infected?
Because symptoms are not always present, you may be infected with chlamydia and not
know it. You can be tested for chlamydia and other sexually transmitted diseases at your
local doctor. To test for chlamydia, the physician will use a cotton swab to collect cells
from your genitals.
What are the Symptoms?
If present, symptoms may appear in a week to a month after infection. Seventy-five
percent of persons with chlamydia may show no symptoms. Men are more likely than
women to show signs of infection.
Chlamydia in Men
Painful urination.
Mild, sticky, milky or mucus-like discharge from penis
Testicular pain
Irritation around opening of the penis
Symptoms may seem to "come and go"
Chlamydia is often silent in women, with up to 90% of women asymptomatic. Women
can carry the bacteria for months or even years without knowing it. This makes screening
very important. When symptoms do present, they include the following:
Chlamydia in Women
Mild, milky or mucus-like discharge
Painful urination
Painful intercourse
Bleeding between menses
Abdominal pain
It is possible to acquire the infection in the pharynx (throat) from oral-genital contact.
Infected persons can also transfer the infection to their eyes.
Are There Any Long Term Complications?
When treated early, there are no long term consequences of chlamydia. Serious
complications can result however when left untreated.
Long term complications in men may include:
Epididymitis - an inflammation of the testicles that can cause sterility
Prostatitis - an infection of the prostate gland
Reiter's Syndrome - an autoimmune, arthritis-like condition
Long term complications in women may include:
Pelvic Inflammatory Disease - an ascending infection that spreads from the
vagina and cervix to the uterus and fallopian tubes. PID can lead to sterility.
Perihepatitis - an infection around the liver