What Is the Boule?
By: Top • Essay • 1,428 Words • April 17, 2010 • 1,749 Views
What Is the Boule?
Steve Cokely-Sometimes someone will want to look better for having access to certain information and as opposed to using it effectively, to advance the mass of our people, they try to take the info to the enemy and entertain them about what they already know, to show that they know more than other black people.
This piece is dedicated to brutha Steve Cokely for his tireless efforts to "seek and find" vital information pertaining to the upliftment of Afrikan people. If it weren't for this God'z tenacity to penetrate the forces of white supremacy with liquid swordz, I can honestly say, we would not know of the New World Order and the history of its members as we do now. He has truly been an inspiration to me. Biggup brutha Cokely!!
As we come into knowledge of self, we must, as well, come into knowledge of who doesn't want us to "know thyself". The average Afrikan who has some knowledge of white supremacy might feel it's been, and only been, the "blue-eyed devil" that is responsible. True, but not truth. If you read the piece I wrote last month, IZ YT Human? or Mutant!, you found that brutha moses (the one who went to the caucus mountains to "civilize" the beast) was one of the first sell-outs of theAfrikan spirit.
As you well know, this country was found by criminal minded beasts, who colonized this area just as they did Afrika in the 1800s. As we had our plantations in the south with house negroes and field Afrikans, we find that this trend has never changed as the years have gone by. Thanks to research done by brutha Cokely, we have found that there is a black secret society that has been closely associated with maintaining the grip of white supremacy on people of color. These same secret societies, these house negroes answer to, have a long history rooted in the physical and mental enslavement of Afrikans around the globe. This black "secret society" is called the Boule' aka. Sigma Pi Phi Fraternity Incorporated, founded May 15, 1904. This is the 1st black fraternity in america and was before the 1st black "college" frat, Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity Incorporated.
The origin of the Boule' is what we are going to concentrate on and by the end of this 2-3 part series, you will be able to decide whether they are bruthaz or not.
The Boule' is a black GREEK secret society based on another secret society founded at Yale University called Skull & Bones. The Boule's founder was Dr. Henry Minton, of Philadelphia, Pa, in 1904. The founding member of the New York chapter, WEB DuBois, said the Boule' was created to "keep the black professional away from the ranks of Marcus Garvey." ( One thing that needs to be pointed out is the time period. At the founding of the Boule', it was also a time Marcus Garvey's "Back to Afrika" movement was reaching a million plus people without tv or radio.) DuBois emphasized, as Cokely stated, "the importance to steal the black professional away from Garvey because an Afrocentric organization that articulated and capture the black professional would give YT no safe haven in the black community, so the Boule' -- the remaking of the house negro was necessary to build a group of negroes who had an investment in protecting the white system as produced by YT having stolen this land from a population still in existence in the late 1800s and early 1900s; and a dawning population breaking the shackles of overt slavery, had to be railroaded in a way. This is post reconstruction. Taking away the articulate negro, now desiring to replace them with organized institutions to keep them away from self-improvement. So we find in the same period, as the founding of the Boule', the founding of the 4 black male (Alpha Phi Alpha, Kappa Alpha Psi, Omega Psi Phi, and Phi Beta Sigma) and 4 black female (Alpha Kappa Alpha, Delta Sigma Theta, Zeta Phi Beta, and Sigma Gamma Rho) college-based fraternities and sororities...We also find the founding of the NAACP and Urban League."
Back to DuBois against Garvey. DuBois was one of the strongest opponents of Garvey and was an instrumental "tool" (he was used by someone else, will explain, read on, son!) in stopping one of the strongest grassroots movements in this century. What was Garvey's plan? His plan was to take as many Afrikans from the america's and start a settlement in the nation of Liberia and then help their new nation produce and control their own rubber crops and other natural resources. Garvey said, "If the oil of Afrika is good for Rockefeller's interest; if iron is good for Carnegie trust; then these minerals are good for us. Why should we allow wall street and the capitalist group of amerikkka and other countries exploit our country when they refuse to give us a fair chance in the countries of our adoption?