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When I Grow Up

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When I Grow Up

When I Grow Up

University of Phoenix


May 14, 2006

When I Grow Up

As children, we all had similar aspirations to become successful in life. We may have wanted to become doctors or lawyers at one point, but the reality is that in order to become successful at whatever we decide as our career path, there are requirements that must be met and many, many sacrifices that will have to be made. My childhood goal was to be a scientist, but childhood goals differ greatly from the goals brought forth by adulthood. For example, a short term goal for me would be the ability to make our household’s financial ends meet, whereas children have no such worry. I believe a major difference is that as a child, it is much easier to hope for a prosperous future and to set very high or seemingly unrealistic goals, whereas in adulthood, those goals seem to move farther away from becoming reality each and every second. The scientist goal that my parents were so proud of is now just a fleeting memory, which has fallen deep into the bowels of my uninspiring past. Presently, I am trying to achieve a different and more mature goal, which is far more reasonable to pull off than becoming a scientist. My interest to become involved in business management came about while working at a previous employer. I was given all these new responsibilities, a cell phone, golf cart, joined the safety committee, became a first responder, was appointed team leader, and all of these things eventually led to my layoff. I was merely six months away from earning my five-year tenure, which included a pension plan, pay raise, bonus, and an upgrade of benefits. I guess I was “too valuable” and I was replaced by two part time employees, who may never be able to gain those benefits for which I worked so hard for. This is largely due to the fact that I had made myself a valuable asset to this company, and my loyalty and dedication ultimately was the cause of my termination. My time became money to them, and without a degree to back up my leadership skills, I was disposable. I understand that part time employees are much cheaper on paper, but someday I would like to have a leading role in changing the way some of the dirty, politically corrupt superiors treat their employees. After all, the second-most important piece of the business puzzle is the working class, surpassed in importance only by paying customers.

Not long after I lost my job, I enrolled in school. I have been down this same street before during an earlier phase in my life. I regressed way back to square one, in the same position I was in as a foolish teenager, obviously still not grown up. I did not like the fact that I was disposable. However, I still needed an income. Since the company I was so proud to be affiliated with fought my unemployment until the end with fancy policies, hidden rules, and well-paid lawyers, I was forced to accept any job that came my way. That is how I entered the glorious profession of pizza delivery.

I was hired as a driver, being paid the minimum wage, naturally. I accepted this magnificent career move in the wrong direction, only because it took well over a month to find. Recently, my boss informed me of his underlying plan to accommodate my schooling with the intention of putting me in a higher position. By me having an entry-level management position, I will surely be able to gain pertinent experience and market myself more effectively. In return, my boss will undoubtedly receive credit for hiring someone who is capable of managing a group with minimal external training, saving the company time and money. This is a great opportunity for both my supervisor and me to gain essential recognition from higher-level management within the company. Recognition is always welcome, and positive recognition will connect my face with my name, allowing me to become noticed by the higher levels of the business hierarchy. Positive recognition can have a snowballing affect within the company, placing myself in line for the upper deck. A coworker came to me with information about a meeting my manager held. The meeting was with the other lower-level managers, as well as with his bosses, all about little ole’ me. I was astounded! My coworkers decided that I had demonstrated some necessary skills required to be an effective management prospect, such as initiative, motivation, eagerness to learn, willingness to cover shifts, and overall support of my teammates. I was embarrassed to tell others where I was employed at first, but now I am looking at Pizza Hut as the first door opening for

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