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Whitman Essay

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Whitman Essay

Whitman Essay

Love is the greatest gift that God has bestowed upon mankind. Defining love is different for every culture, race, and religion. Walt Whitman’s love is ever changing for anyone who tries to love him or understand his work. Love can be broken down into a multitude of emotions, and feelings towards someone or some object. In order to find love that is searched for, preparations must be made to allow the full experience of Whoever You Are Holding Me Now in Hand by Walt Whitman to be pious. Walt Whitman’s poem is devoted to the fullness of love, and a description of fantasy and reality. A journey to find love starts with knowledge that both participants are willing, and able to consummate their love in judgment under God. Time is the greatest accomplice to justify the energy and sacrifice needed to start developing the ingredients needed for love to grow. Each stanza is a new ingredient to add to the next stanza. Over time, this addition of each stanza will eventually lead to a conclusion. A conclusion that love is ever changing, and people must either change along with love or never know the miracle of love.

Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary defines love as a strong affection for another arising out of kinship or personal ties. Love is a journey that begins by building a foundation of trust, commitment, and understanding. The speaker is thorough and demanding to the point that the speaker becomes a faзade to keep prospective loves away. Without love as the speaker begins to say life becomes pointless.

Without one thing all will be useless, (Whitman 2)

The listener does not comprehend where the speaker is coming from at first. An example of emotions that are ebbing would be the calm before the storm. A nervousness that is powerless to prevent what the inevitable outcome will be. The speaker knows what it would take to mature fully a relationship that love could blossom out of. Unaware is the listener of the intent of the speaker to dishearten any further a seed that never had the chance to amply develop love. Love is funny when it becomes the focal point in a relationship. This time usually comes after the period of adjustment between two people who have decided to further enhance their love experience. Questions begin to abound as to the qualifications of the individual and the relationship in terms of lasting, quality, and enjoyment. Total devotion becomes the heir to the newfangled relationship. Sometimes devotion becomes the sticking point that prevents a relationship to continue to grow and prosper. Devotion to ones love is a prerequisite to building a foundation of love and trust that without devotion there could be no relationship.

Your novitiate would even then be long and exhausting,

The whole past theory of your life and all conformity to the lives around you

would have to be abandon’d,

Therefore release me now before troubling yourself any further, let go your

Hand from my shoulders,

Put me down and depart on your way. (8-13)

The speaker is telling the listener that your novice status will not change even over a long period of time. The listener knows that he or she does not have the will, and this knowledge of weakness ends a chance of long life of happiness with his or her love. Love is an everyday work in motion when a relationship is developed. Molding clay into cups and plates is an example of how love is constantly being changed until you get just right. The next day you start over again with molding both the speaker and listener.

Love can never be forced on someone both parties must help the other to mold each other to allow for the growth of the relationship. No matter where the couple goes to work out difficulties. Problems are still there no matter how far away the couple goes. Intimacy, lust, and romance can be reconnected through self-sacrifice, learning about the significant other, or compromising on issues that are of vital importance to the couple. The most important aspect of a relationship is that is takes two to make a long lasting relationship.

Relationships are a Godsend to the world. Public intimate relationship is important as long as it is appropriate. Love has to be shown at all times not just in the home. Wondering what other people are thinking, or going to say is not important if there is comfort. Intimacy in public should be nothing more then holding hands, arms stretched around one another, and the occasional peck on the cheek.

Here to put your lips upon mine I permit you, With the comrade’s long-dwelling kiss or the new husband’s

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