Why People Need Religion
By: Steve • Essay • 301 Words • May 2, 2010 • 1,444 Views
Why People Need Religion
Religion is an important part of peoples’ lives, it gives meaning in this chaotic world we live in to face another day. Collectively, Christianity is the world’s most practiced religion and possibly the most powerful. Many people have tested and tried that power and authority that the church holds, people such as Galileo, Giordano Bruno, and King Henry VIII of England, just to name a few. But no other has challenged the authority of the church like Charles Darwin and his “dangerous Idea.” (qtd. in Miller 12)
The theory of evolution’s origins can be traced back to the time of the ancient Greeks, but it wasn’t until Charles Darwin arrived on the scene that any actual evidence suggesting such ‘heresies’ ever gained the attention of the Church. Darwin’s theory made a big impact on the Christianity because of the contrary ideas to that of the religion, the state the church was in, and because of Charles Darwin himself.
Darwin’s theory of evolution changed traditional ways of thinking with ideas such as, natural selection and sexual selection.Darwin’s theory of natural selection states:
Darwin's Theory of Evolution is the widely held