Why the Roller Coaster So Popular Nowadays?
By: Sylvia Tan • Dissertation • 681 Words • March 22, 2015 • 1,111 Views
Why the Roller Coaster So Popular Nowadays?
Sylvia Tan
Mr. Seliotis
Friday Feb 12, 2015
Circular motion assignment
Roller coaster
[pic 1]
Why the roller coaster so popular nowadays?
Nowadays, the roller coaster plays a significant roll in amusement park. We spend a number of money and wait in long lines for an only short 1 minutes ride. The function of a roller coaster is to provide a fear factor through an enjoyable experience. The thrill of roller coasters is due to their accelerations and to the feelings of weightlessness. The roller coasters have been steadily improved over the years, from basic wooden to today’s modern marvels. Therefore, the following sections will introduce the roller coaster’s physics knowledge of circular motion. (Roller Coasters and Amusement Park Physics)
How does a roller coaster work?
The typical roller coaster works by gravity. Beginning from rest, it basically converts the gravitational potential energy into kinetic energy and gaining speed by descends down a steep hill. But in this process, it will produce fiction with track and cause small amount of the energy is lost. In order to return to the roller coasters’ the top staring point, it operating by a motorized lift system.
Basic Theories and Formulae
- If there is no friction losses, when the center of mass of the roller coaster falls a vertical height h, it will have a kinetic energy equal to the gravitational potential energy stored in the height h. Assuming W is the gravitational potential energy at the top of the hill. where m is the mass of the roller coaster, and g is corresponding with the acceleration of 9.8 m/s2 on earth's surface.
Therefore, W=mgh
- The roller coaster’s kinetic energy is expressed as follows formula, where v is the roller coaster’s speed.
Therefor, KE=m
[pic 2][pic 3]
- Assuming there do not have friction losses and energy is conserved.
Therefore, W=KE
and for the formula of mgh=m, the mass should be cancel, so it can convert into v= [pic 4][pic 5][pic 6]
- Another important roller coaster physics’ element is the acceleration the riders experience. This special type of centripetal acceleration can produce strong g-forces, which can push you into your seat or make you feel like you're going to fly out of it. The following formula expressed the centripetal acceleration, and R is represents the loop’s radius.
Therefore, =[pic 7][pic 8]
- The centripetal acceleration experienced by the riders twisting around the track is expressed the following formula. The W is represents the rate of twist and R is radius of the twist at rider’s location.
, =R
(Roller Coaster Physics)[pic 9][pic 10]
Impact on society:
Roller coasters have had a very big impact on society. They have allowed people who are “thrill-seekers” to chase those thrill without endangering themselves too much. They gave people a fun outlet that allowed them to face fear, danger and thrill safely. They have also allowed for people everywhere to enjoy themselves safely while also having a ride that’s borderline dangerous. On the other hand, roller coasters have also had a negative impact on society. They cause fear and anxiety for people who don’t like roller coasters. Multiple people have died on roller coasters over the recent years or so, resulting in a massive of roller coasters.